Hi Garret. I'm so new here that I'm still trying to figure out just how the e-mail works. I think this e-mail is a public one and the other one is private. I also sent you my home e-mail if that is something you wanted. It sounds like from your post to me that you have come along the journey of life a long ways. That is opening up with your wifes interests and you also said letting your ego down. I assume that means as in feeling you are in great shape and a good looking guy. I'm not sure there what you mean. I'm like you and have a partner and I also am exploring the world and just what all is out there in life to learn about. I consider myself to be a transgender male or in other words a straight female. Next year is my year to explore that in full compared to previous years. As a male I am masculine and as a female very feminine. I like being treated like a woman in every aspect.