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  • Yep! I did the cooking for my immediate (8) family. Went to my sister's for dessert- she is like you and an awesome baker! Very thankful this year for all of my blessings including my friends here.
    Hi ya Sistah Sledge! How is work? Look for the have too many to ignore! BTW, thought of you yesterday, my daughter had a musical audition last week and leading up to it she was dancing her ass off...she can hardly walk this week and can only stand in first position without some twinge of pain! I remembered your comments about the down side of dance. Ah to be young and flexible again!
    Hi Mo! Yeah doing well. I have been kind of busy...alot of OT at work. Getting the kids ready for school, activities already started at a couple of the schools. Very happy with the time I have had with 2Rings, went to a Blues Festival with the hubs couple weeks back. But just not enough time in the day! How are you- PM me!
    Hi! Just checking in to see how you are today! have been really busy and not on much. Thinking of you guys. Take care. This heat and humidity is kickin my ass!
    Girl what were you drinking yesterday...espresso with a shot of redbull?! You were posting all over the place.
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