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  • I am in a very new poly/mono relationship, me being mono. i need help, I read that you have a blog. that u am going to read, but I think I need some one on one converstation. i am new to this fourm, and it's all very overwhelming.
    Just so you know I won't be in a poly/mono for all that much longer. If you didn't read my intro post I'm going to be in an open LDR in about a month. You're free to still follow me of course but this might not make me all that much of a case study. ;)
    I am busy as always! But for the most part doing well. Will have a bit of a break when school is out in a couple of weeks.
    started a thread of my own...just a start. I will post more this week. UGH! I hope it will all sound coherent!
    Hey Sage - just letting you know that I will definitely be down on the 23rd... likely I will be available for brunch/morning tea on the 23rd...
    Glad to hear your family are safe - we are down to one cousin missing... crossing our fingers for her...

    I am personally of the opinion that us Aussies and Kiwi's (I'm half and half so doubly so - how's that for a good ego day :D) are so amazingly awesome that 2012 is giving us a preview... special advanced screening... lol

    Yep - barring any further setbacks, my tickets and hotel are booked - I will be down... around the 23rd March(dont have the dates on me right this second - will get them later tonight :p)
    Hey Sage - sending you huge hugs, hope your family over in kiwiland have come through the earthquake unscathed - I have some extended family missing... immediate family over there are searching for them though and I expect to hear something soon...
    Hi Sage - yes my trip has been delayed until the end of next month... we came through Cyclone Yasi largely unscathed, although my emotional state is .... unquantifiable.

    I'm in a state of flux at the moment... hard to tell how much of my feelings have been impacted by the very recent brush with disaster... I can't even manage to get my feelings 'onto paper' so I have been so very quiet on here...

    It's almost like full circle from when I first started posting... and I can't break free of it... and I don't want to... but it hurts so much...

    Sorry - I will figure myself out and do a proper post soon...
    You're so welcomed! I'm so HUNRGRY for information about poly, so I'm on the way over to ur earlier posts. ;-)
    LOL - the weather usually is :D

    We are way way way overdue for some serious damage though... didn't expect the whole state to get it all in the first two months of the year though :p
    Hi Sage - oh gods am I ever... this thing is HUGE!! Gonna take hours to cross the coast and I am maybe 200m from the beach... Have the kids with me which is good and bad... good cos I know they're safe... bad cos I have to keep them that way... this is an absolute monster of a storm... it's looking to be possibly worse than Katrina was... QLD is copping it bigtie this year and we are only just moving into the second month of th eyear... cyclone season has been extended out to June :(
    Hi Sage,
    I'm reading your book now and I have some comments.

    -- A couple times you say, "I'm mono." I know what you mean but your readers likely won't understand this slang. I would suggest you show this work to some people who know NOTHING about polyamory and ask them to list any slang or terminology that they don't understand. Then be careful to define these terms or use language that is generally understood.

    -- I would add a link to the forums on your links page.

    -- You may wish to list some books that you like on page 24. For example, I might pick, "Sex at Dawn", "Polyamory in the 21st Century" and "Five Love Languages". Some people are book worms and a few good polybooks would be very helpful to them if they are hurting or bewildered.

    -- I was very impressed with your writing. It is strong, clear and to the point. Good work!

    Warm regards, Rick.
    lol - thanks for pm'ing me about your response here :p

    yeah went through the bad weather okay - spent it out on the lava plains out here taking pictures... i'll pm you my mobile number before I head down Brissy way - I'll be in the central city area too.

    Yep that would be great whatever suits you. We'll be in our apartment close to the city by then so I could meet you in the central city. I'm holed up writing, which is neat but I need real people from time to time. We've come out of the watery disaster very unscathed. Both the house we're looking after and the apartment remained high and dry.

    It looks like you've got some bad weather coming your way?
    Hi Sage - I was relieved to see you pop on... Brisbane isn't very pretty at the moment :p was worried about you.

    I will be down there on the 9th 10th and 11th of Feb. If you would like to meet for a chat I should have some free time in the evening on the 10th or the morning of the 11th... Let me know :D
    No prob! I will check in here as often as I can. On facebook you get more of a glimpse into my "real" life hahahaha! Someday.

    Oh and yeah fetlife is very intriguing but there are some weirdos on there...well it seems they are very very forward on there! Hahaha. Should be fun.:D
    Have been super busy myself. Just joined fetlife too, so I have been lurking here and there but no time to really think and put to words some coherent thoughts. Thank goodness the hustle bustle of Christmas is over. Can relax and chat a bit! Are you on facebook? I can check that from my phone. If you are PM me your screenname there. TTFN!
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