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  1. C

    A request: state your gender and sexual preference/orientation

    This is now a little less than accurate (as I've learned more about myself). AFAB femme demi-girl (uses she/her pronouns but perfers fae or nym pronouns), pan-romantic, grey-a with fluctuation between sex-neutral and sex-adverse. Both partners are male, when I feel comfortable with dating again...
  2. C

    Feeling poly but not in practice

    I'm like this. It's only Tighearn's schedule that prevents an equal split (he works both weekends and most nights right now). But once that changes (he wants it to) then my time will probably be nearly 50/50 between my home with Woodsmith and where Tighearn lives with Merry and N8. We wouldn't...
  3. C


    Check out the Novices and Newbies group. A lot of the greeters/caretakers (and others who just have a lot of know-how) participate frequently to help people find what you are looking for. That group may be able to direct you to more research type groups.
  4. C

    Asexual Poly?

    I don't think I need the couples/family part because both Woodsmith and Tighearn are able to deal with this better than I am.
  5. C

    Asexual Poly?

    Bringing the topic back around to something at least more inline with asexuality. I've always been grey-A (being demi-sexual). A few months ago (I don't remember how many), I talked about how a medication had taken that grey-A and kicked it into a high gear of complete loss of libido. Ended up...
  6. C

    Anyone else had a similar experience?

    I'd tell my family once we get a place (the money for a down payment is under mine and my dad's name so I want to make sure the house is bought before he could say no to that). Tighearn and Woodsmith are less sure when they would because both of them have very religious families. My thing is my...
  7. C

    Coming out

    As someone who even after medication changes still has no libido (so I've either become asexual due to medicine, hormones, or just a change to myself) I disagree with you. Polyamory deals with love. Yes, sex may be a part but it's not a requirement. I've had some meltdowns myself due to...
  8. C

    Anyone else had a similar experience?

    Yes, the plan is for us to all live together. And we would think of each other at immediate family (cause logistically we would view it that three of the members of my family are married to two different people). As of now there are no children but the ultimate plan is a co-parenting type set...
  9. C

    Anyone else had a similar experience?

    I've done long distance (as a mono) before. I can't do it. I live with my husband and Sir is only a 30 min drive from where I live (will be closer one he, his wife, and her fiancee move into the house they bought). Our long term goal is for all five of us to live together (and for Sir and I to...
  10. C

    I need advice :( feel like im going crazy

    Honestly this squirks me out the most of things on this thread. You have to ask permission to be out of his possession? For me, that would be a crazy red flag (YMMV). I'm married but neither my husband nor I ask permission for things (hell even getting in other relationships). We just let each...
  11. C

    SCOTUS ruling

    Because the beuarcarcy considered a civil union more of a commitment thing. It didn't come with the federal benefits (or the ability for it to be recognized state to state). Basically because governments weren't considering civil unions as good as a marriage.
  12. C

    Texting my metamour while we're together & other communication things

    Or, if other things prevent him from turning his phone off, putting it on silent and checking it when there's down time (either in the bathroom, if you guys go out somewhere and one goes to get the car and the other waits, etc.). That'll give him chance to reply and keep the bzzzz bzzzz down.
  13. C

    Marriage and Polyamory

    I would say that poly has a neutral to slight positive effect on my marriage. My relationships are separate (as in neither partner are involved with each other) but we do have a family style poly so there is both one on one time and family times (and one on one time with metamours as well). But...
  14. C

    Sex drive & poly

    I'm on the opposite side of things. I'm demisexual (only sexually attracted with people I have an emotional connection to) but even with that I'm grey-A. Even before the medication that killed my libido (and since getting my libido back) I honestly would be fine only having sex with each of my...
  15. C

    Let's talk metamours

    I've had three distinct metamour differences. 1) Girl and I were (and still are) really good friends. Both of us though thought the other was getting more time with shared partner (he wasn't a very effective hinge). Things got better when we weren't metamours anymore. 2) Girl and I had been...
  16. C

    Dating with a neighbor?

    I don't find that odd. But for us, my Sir's house is as much my house as my own place.
  17. C

    Is it OK to ask my partner to request that metamour not interrupt our time together?

    And if he doesn't think she needs to not text him just because he's spending time with you? What if he likes hearing from people he isn't with on the days he isn't (as in wouldn't mind hearing from you when he's with her)? If that's the case you are blaming her for what he wants. Even so, he's...
  18. C

    Respecting and enforcing limits

    If foam is occasionally difficult to remember to put in (and it seems like you only put it in if you are expecting a partner to cum inside you), he and his wife aren't the most comfortable with the idea of a vasectomy (at least that's how it read to me), and you feel there needs to be a...
  19. C

    Family style living in poly

    While we don't at the moment my entire family (the poly side, not the Leather side) wants to either share a home or at the least live on the same street. We also want to have children (and the idea of having at least one with each partner) and have them raised within the family being able to...
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    So in a couple of weeks I'm going to be handing out "What is your safeword?" pamphlets at the 50 Shades of Grey opening. I'm really hoping that those who see the movie (cause I hate to admit more people watch movies than read books) and get intrigued by the idea of BDSM decide to seek out...