Search results

  1. Vixtoria

    Please help

    That's fine that it is your preference, but if you continue reading the thread you will see that myself and others have the experience, for me it's been over a decade, of polys overwhelmingly being against. There are those of us here that are mono/poly and that's great. That there are more is...
  2. Vixtoria

    Please help

    Whether Mono or Poly, there is very much the need to put things into outlines. As if having an outline for how the relationship SHOULD go will tell you if you are succeeding or not. I understand this because there are so many times that hubby and I really wish we could talk to someone in our...
  3. Vixtoria

    Please help

    Not sure how long you've been around, what community you hang out with, but I've been in a mono/poly relationship for over a decade and yes, forums, support groups, communities I run into, I hear more and more "Oh, I've dated a mono and I'll never do it again!" I've heard, "I would NEVER date a...
  4. Vixtoria

    Please help

    Question? Comment? Not sure how to respond to nothing but an emoticon. Sorry, even my teens have to give me more than that.
  5. Vixtoria

    Please help

    Here's my take on it. No, you can not help who you love. Sometimes we fall for people or develop feelings even when we really dont' want to. But guess what? Pursuing those feelings, acting on them, that is ALL a choice. One of the biggest lessons, IMHO, is that just because there are...
  6. Vixtoria

    BF's new GF is a cowgirl?

    Okay so I'm not so sure about this but thought I'd ask for some outside views to maybe figure things out. DH and I have been together for 23 years, just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary. BF and I have been together 8 years, 9 this August. BF and I are mostly long distance but in...
  7. Vixtoria

    Help with a specific kind of relationship for my story

    It sounds as though the show you saw was that late night MTV show where they do small vignettes based on three different periods. High school, college, young adult. I remember those episodes and it was definitely fiction but yes, totally possible in fiction. If it hasn't already been...
  8. Vixtoria

    Child related issues......

    Just to put in my two cents on the whole baby thing. Just because people have different view points does NOT mean they are looking down on 'breeders' or on those that don't want kids. Really I think you are overlooking an important aspect of poly that also holds true for having kids...
  9. Vixtoria

    My Primary and I are moving - Secondary pushing me away - Help!

    Um, so you are moving, announced this, and that's it? Yeah, he's feeling a lot and you screwed up. Time to fix it! I can't imagine doing this to my OSO. We often discuss the fact that there may be a move. He's talked of moving closer, it is a LDR, and we've told him not to. This is NOT...
  10. Vixtoria

    The transgendered in the Poly Community.

    OKay well while everyone argues what someone meant and what they think they meant and what it sounded like they meant TO THEM, I'm going to go back to the OP Greetings! Welcome to the site! I see you have a few posts so it might have been pointed out already, but we prefer one account per...
  11. Vixtoria

    Michigan Couple Here!!

    You would have to join the group and ask how many people are in your area. I know it's around a 2 hour drive for us to get down to Detroit and they have told people if you want a meeting in your area, start one! Just keep at it till more people show up! There are people on the list from all...
  12. Vixtoria

    advice on talking to the kids

    My girls are all teenagers now, but they were young when introduced to 'alternative' lifestyles. For us, we just kept it honest and simple for their level. Hubby and I refer to each other as 'hon'. So when it had to be explained we explained that they have friends at school who's parents...
  13. Vixtoria

    Michigan Couple Here!!

    Welcome! Definitely take a look around, do a tag search for 'triads', 'unicorns' and all of that. If you want to meet up with more poly people there is a yahoo group for Michigan poly. They have monthly meetings, lunches, game groups, and informational things. Mostly down south near Detroit...
  14. Vixtoria

    Hi We are Betsy and Jason a Christian Married Poly Couple

    If you go to yahoogroups and do a search there is a Michigan poly group that meets down south in the Detroit and Plymouth area.
  15. Vixtoria


    Welcome to being the hinge! :D Seriously, people see it as getting to have two relationships, I've even been told I have the best of both worlds. What they don't realize is that it means you are doing TWICE the work. Now, communication is hard and sometimes yes it feels one sided. I do...
  16. Vixtoria

    Trust issues with my BF

    Okay wow, well let me try this. Did you set up when he's supposed to tell you? I ask my boyfriend if he's interested in anyone, or why he hasn't asked out the girl I KNOW he likes at work, but we've known each other YEARS now. We've also discussed, in length, at what point I NEED to know...
  17. Vixtoria

    Any other gay men in a relationship with a bisexual man?

    Just a couple of things I wanted to add: Just because someone is bi doesn't mean that they are going to dump someone of one sex to be with someone of another. I'm bi, or pan if that's the term you prefer, I wouldn't dump my husband or boyfriend just because it would be EASIER to date a girl if...
  18. Vixtoria

    I Want to Date but Don't Want My Husband to Date

    I have to say, the whole marriage in trouble add more people is always a red flag around these parts. For my own part, I say you need to make a decision on your marriage. There are things people will just not put up with. For some people one cheating, one instance of physical abuse, one...
  19. Vixtoria

    Our introduction (by Rob)

    Personally I like using the terms as they are actually defined in Webster's. slut noun \ˈslət\ Definition of SLUT 1 chiefly British : a slovenly woman 2 a : a promiscuous woman; especially : prostitute b : a saucy girl : minx So, a woman (sad that it's only for women), that is saucy. I...
  20. Vixtoria

    Anxiety - Not ready

    Wow, that's really judgmental. People are saying, what works for you and your group works and go for it! Just that it doesn't mean it works for everyone else. Just because you have discovered YOUR ideal doesnt' mean it is THE ideal and to say so is rude and demeaning to others that don't...