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  1. C

    I'd like to receive some advice and/or opinions...

    What happened at the end... Hi! I've been away for some time and wasn't able to check the forum until now. SchrodingersCat: Yes, we have seated and discussed everything. We now are clear on our rules and how many information to share. :) Also, I decided to ask him to finish the affair, and he...
  2. C

    I'd like to receive some advice and/or opinions...

    River: You're right, I need to rise above the love I feel for him and be more objective. But right now I'm on an emotional rollercoaster that makes me "distort the reality", so to speak. I cannot make a decision about finishing the relationship right now (he's caring, loving and very supportive...
  3. C

    I'd like to receive some advice and/or opinions...

    Hi everybody! It's nice to find a place where people can comment about this subject with freedom and respect. ;) * Note: I'm really not sure if we got a polyamorous relationship in the strict sense of the word, because it's more like an "open relationship" where any other relationship is...
  4. C

    Personal Summaries

    Hi! You can call me Charlotte, I'm 30 and left my homeland 2 years ago, and I've been living with a guy since then. We're not married, but we do are committed to each other. Since the beginning, we agreed to have an open relationship because we both think that it's best for us than traditional...