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  1. bampirevat

    Same here, I am so afraid to mess up my relationship:(( he doesn't know I'm poly yet

    Same here, I am so afraid to mess up my relationship:(( he doesn't know I'm poly yet
  2. bampirevat

    Backwards way to start...

    Leave. He gave you an illusion of choice to pretty much cover his ass. I can't see it going anywhere but worse from this point forward. I wish you the best in this hard time, take care. Bee x
  3. bampirevat

    What to do if my new partner is significantly larger than my primary

    Hi! As mentioned above, size or shape of a penis has absolutely no influence on the shape or elasticity of a vagina. it's something physiological, unique to one person, and you have no control over it. The Kegel exercises mentioned above don't influence your vagina at all, but it never hurts to...
  4. bampirevat

    Hey all!

    hi, good to have you! I am always happy when I see positive experiences from people relatively "fresh" in the poly community. i hope you will enjoy this forum, whether you're posting or just lurking xx Bee x
  5. bampirevat

    Another one in the pack

    I was born in Central Europe as well, hi! Good to have you here! Bee x
  6. bampirevat

    Do you consider poly an orientation or a relationship style?

    I am young so sometimes I need the reminder that the current situation is not set in stone and relationships change overtime. I don't know where I will live in a year, let alone how this newly discovered side of me will impact my life. so thank you for that perspective.
  7. bampirevat

    Do you consider poly an orientation or a relationship style?

    it makes a lot of sense actually and is very helpful. one of the reasons why in my case it's mostly an orientation is that I see just by posts on this forum how many forms of poly exist, and even though I don't fit with any of them, I know my feelings are real and experiences of other people...
  8. bampirevat

    Do you consider poly an orientation or a relationship style?

    I've started realizing that recently which is why I reached for help and insight on this forum. it's definitely not as easy as saying "let's open our relationship" and counting that jealousy and unhealthy attachments won't screw things up. even if I choose to stay in my mono relationship, the...
  9. bampirevat

    Do you consider poly an orientation or a relationship style?

    Yes, I left this option because I know some people see it as both. This is so interesting to me! Reading that you found yourself and your people makes me genuinely happy. I come from a pretty conservative country, so I did not have much space for self-discovery, but I left it a few years ago...
  10. bampirevat

    Feelings and trust

    I don't want to bore you with the whole story because it's not really interesting. To keep things short, I did some self-reflection and realized that my whole life I had feelings for many people at the same time. I had always thought it was something I should fight against, so I bottled it up...
  11. bampirevat

    Do you consider poly an orientation or a relationship style?

    If I catch feelings for someone, there's not much I can do about it. But it doesn't mean that I want to pursue a relationship with that person if it puts my current one in jeopardy. This might be a little dramatic, but I am prepared for some sacrifices.
  12. bampirevat

    Do you consider poly an orientation or a relationship style?

    Oh yes, of course! I am just interested about how other people view it. I am still discovering my poly side, so any insight from more experienced people gives me more perspective on the topic. If you are comfortable with answering, how is it for you?
  13. bampirevat

    Do you consider poly an orientation or a relationship style?

    I might be wrong, but what I've seen on this forum so far is that, in general, poly is considered more of a relationship style than an orientation. However, I don't necessarily agree with that, at least in the context of my life. Relationship style is something I worked on with every partner...
  14. bampirevat

    The first polyamorous relationship I am in

    Dear Lilith, While this is a horrible situation, I am not sure if internet folks can help. As suggested above, poly-friendly therapist would be a great choice! I really hope that whatever you're going through, you will find a way to resolve it. Take care of yourself, and if you ever feel like...
  15. bampirevat

    Feelings and trust

    hi, thank you for sharing! I haven't told my partner that I might be poly yet so people having positive experiences give me hope that it will turn out okay eventually. Bee x
  16. bampirevat


    hi, good to have you here. take care! Bee x
  17. bampirevat

    Hi from upstate NY

    Dear Luna, I wanted to welcome you especially into bi folk community. Love, attraction, and affection are beautiful things and I wish you all the best experiences in navigating a new side of them. I love being a bisexual woman and I hope your experience is as positive as mine. Love, Bee x
  18. bampirevat

    Greetings from California

    Hello RedCanoe, It's great having you! I hope discussions here will be a valuable resource to you. Love, Bee x
  19. bampirevat

    Transitioning from monogamy to polyamory

    Leave. For your well-being AND your partner's.
  20. bampirevat

    New to Poly, not sure what to do…

    Hi, While I don't have much to add, I just wanted to say that I don't think it's fair to you to worry so much about your partner's other relationship. I understand that you care about your partner and don't want them to be hurt, that's pretty much universal for all close relationships, romantic...