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  1. L

    still struggling...

    progress! Okay. Things feel much better for me lately. First of all, I had a conversation with an ex-lover which finally made me realize that having feelings for someone else doesn't mean that your feelings for your partner are compromised. I know it probably seems like a little thing to you...
  2. L

    still struggling...

    Thanks for the feedback, folkses. Sage, I love what you said. I too am striving to be my best self, and the best partner I can be to my boyfriend. I have good days and bad days, of course, and I really appreciate all the support and feedback.
  3. L

    still struggling...

    Thanks for the advice. In regard to the Google calendar tip, it's not scheduling that's a problem, but me feeling like he'll make time for other people to have "quality time" with him, while he and I don't get the same priority of making time to spend together to nurture OUR relationship together.
  4. L

    are there poly people living mono on here?

    Hi, I've been cruising around, and I seem to find a lot of people of the monogamous mindset accepting a poly partner and learning to embrace that lifestyle because they love their partner and want to give them what they want. I haven't come across anyone yet who is poly and living monogamously...
  5. L

    still struggling...

    It's been three months now since my partner of about a year and a half told be that he didn't think he could continue to function in a monogamous relationship, and that he wanted to be free to have romantic and sexual connections with other people. I've been struggling with a lot of things in...
  6. L

    Help! new to poly and negotiations went badly

    Here's one more vote for dumping this jackass and moving on. He's a liar, and will only continue to lie to you if you let him. He doesn't want poly, he just wants his own way. Be brave.
  7. L

    hi. he does rock... he's my boyfriend. You seem to be pretty darn awesome your own self, so...

    hi. he does rock... he's my boyfriend. You seem to be pretty darn awesome your own self, so... friend request accepted. :)
  8. L

    Mono/Poly confusion

    thanks for posting this, and thanks to all that replied. I can empathize with a lot of what you're feeling, being in a similar situation, and just wanted to say hi and tell you you're not alone. Be proud of yourself for making the progress you've made in your understanding of your partner's...
  9. L

    My primary has a new partner...

    So, do you and your primary have an agreed upon safe sex rule, and did your primary tell his new lover about this rule? If you did, and he did, and homeboy still didn't wrap it up, then said new partner possibly has his own agenda and isn't interested in respecting the rules of the game. If...
  10. L

    Well, here I am. Yikes.

    Thanks, all, for the advice and thoughtful replies. I really appreciate it.
  11. L

    Well, here I am. Yikes.

    Yeah, I wasn't so stoked on the ultimatum, either. While I can see the argument that a relationship has to either meet your needs or be over, I wish he had approached it from a "I want to stay together with you and how can we accomodate these needs I'm having" angle. It has sort of left me with...
  12. L

    Well, here I am. Yikes.

    Hi everyone. I am, of course, looking for advice and help in this new and terrifying situation I've found myself in. About six weeks ago, my boyfriend of a little over a year told me that he wanted a non-monogamous relationship, and it was either open our relationship or break up. I was pretty...