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  1. RainyGrlJenny

    RainyGrlJenny's Story

    It's been over 8 years since I've updated my blog. During that time, I was pretty much monogamous with Moonlight. I had broken up with Fly and lost touch with Punk when he moved far away. Kiddo and I kept our regular hangouts for a while, but as he got older he naturally gravitated towards his...
  2. RainyGrlJenny

    Talking it out

    Ratties are the best! I used to breed show rats. They are my favorite pets ever, and I've had a lot of pets. :)
  3. RainyGrlJenny

    The Notebook of JaneQSmythe

    Oh my god, that's terrifying!! I'm so sorry that happened, I can't even imagine.
  4. RainyGrlJenny

    Talking it out

    Happy birthday, fellow gemini! (I'm June 5th)
  5. RainyGrlJenny

    Smelling the flowers

    It's gorgeous!! I don't know when I would ever get out to Wisconsin, but I would stay there in a heartbeat. All your hard work shows.
  6. RainyGrlJenny

    Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

    Yum, now I'm craving samosas. I might have to buy myself some Indian food tonight!
  7. RainyGrlJenny

    Not Dead Yet!

    I'm so, so sorry for your loss. 💙
  8. RainyGrlJenny

    Smelling the flowers

    That's so exciting, congratulations!
  9. RainyGrlJenny

    Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

    Sending virtual hugs/good juju your way, Kevin.
  10. RainyGrlJenny

    Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

    I need to use my crockpot more. There's something so comforting about walking in the door after work and basically dinner is already done.
  11. RainyGrlJenny

    The journey to myself

    Hugs! I'm just now getting over a miserable cold, and the cough is lingering and lingering. Hope you feel better quickly!
  12. RainyGrlJenny

    Mya's search for balance

    So nice to hear from you! Such a lovely update, and I'm glad to hear you and Marco have found a way to make things work. :)
  13. RainyGrlJenny

    Fun and Frolic With Long-Term Love

    I LOVE my Fit! It's my favorite car I've ever owned, and actually has a remarkable amount of cargo space with the seats down (as I'm sure you already know).
  14. RainyGrlJenny

    Age difference

    I'm 41; Moonlight will be 71 in the fall. The 30 year gap sometimes is challenging. For instance, she has health problems that limit the things we can do or how we do them. There are also nearly two generations between us, so we occasionally have very different view points about various...
  15. RainyGrlJenny

    Smelling the flowers

    Just wanted to say that your art is really beautiful!
  16. RainyGrlJenny

    The journey to myself

    Yay!!! Congrats on getting through it!
  17. RainyGrlJenny

    Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

    I grew up about two blocks from the Muckleshoot Casino. We could see the parking garage being built from our backyard. :)
  18. RainyGrlJenny

    Not Dead Yet!

  19. RainyGrlJenny

    Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

    Pumpkin curry lentil soup sounds so cozy and autumnish!
  20. RainyGrlJenny

    The story of Spork.

    Max (older cat) would be upset if I died, but Lilo (kitten) wouldn't even wait until I was all the way gone. I had foot surgery earlier this year, and once my crutches slipped and I fell flat on the floor. As I was lying there collecting myself, Max was circling me and crying and head butting...