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    Confused relationship

    Hi there, I am in a confusion now. My ex-boyfriend is treating me like he used to before. He calls me every night, asks for a date, gives me big surprises, gifts etc. I am really confused. Last day, he showed me a ring online [link removed by Moderator] and told that he ordered it for me. It is...
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    My feel like someone is choking my neck and I can't speak. I feel like its happening for real.
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    Why is spirituality and polyamory linked?

    How they are connected? Spirituality and polyamory are like two sides of a coin.
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    Can you be poly friendly, yet not suited to poly?

    People may have dual interest too. I am interested in classic and traditional kinds of stuff.
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    Hi there, How many believe in nightmares? I think that my life is connected to the dreams I saw at night.
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    How many believe in astrology? I sometimes I feel it is true but sometimes it is not.
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    Hello there

    Hi there, I am new here. I would like to say hi to everyone here. Glad to join here.