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  1. R

    Mono trying to support Poly wife.

    Dearest Daughter makes a world more sense in context. You're... a damned sight more than somewhat helpful. I have no idea what motivates your engagement with this forum but you're a GD cape wearing hero in my eyes, distributing free therapy and life advice. Thanks again, going to go try the...
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    Mono trying to support Poly wife.

    Thank you. Youngest DD? Dady Dom? (I am just googling terms I know little of right now.) I don't know why you are here helping strangers like this, but thank you. They are great friends and many of them are doing this kind of thing. They filled my day, but then night came. Bullet point...
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    Mono trying to support Poly wife.

    Just journaling here, my friends all went to sleep but I can't. I don't know, I just need to feel like someone is listening so I'm leaning on random strangers I guess. It hurts. I told her the other day it wasn't going to work, that I cannot do polly. It was terring me up to try and put...
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    Help pls. My bf wants to be poly and I dont

    Hello Sungoesdown123. Hows it going now?
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    Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

    Thank you for sharing. 8 years later and this is still giving newbies some hope for a worthwhile future.
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    Mono trying to support Poly wife.

    Eh, cool. Thanks for seeing it, I am good by this point. You are forgiven by me.
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    Mono trying to support Poly wife.

    She's right. Set that guilt down. I don't blame you. My relationship with my wife is our burden here. It's problems are our problems. You have been respectful of boundaries at every turn in this and given me all of the floor for my emotions even though I know you must have tons of your own...
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    Mono trying to support Poly wife.

    Thanks ya I had heard the term years ago before I was even dating, but at some point I had looked it up and between the description I was given at the time and my own much lower state of self awareness thought it was a distant fit. You prompted me to look again and there is nothing distant...
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    Mono trying to support Poly wife.

    Jesus titty-fucking Christ talk about TIL. Thank you that's... where I should probably start the conversation with a therapist. I have been independently identifying the pitfalls of this behavior pattern and trying to self correct when there's an entire profile for it. EDIT: Ya the more I...
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    Mono trying to support Poly wife.

    As for my ignoring of red flags, well, I have issues. Part of why this divorce idea hurts so much is that we both have or had issues, and we've done a lot of growing over those 12 years to improve those. The presence of one another have shaped our growth, and we've often made analogies to...
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    Mono trying to support Poly wife.

    Thank you so, so very much for taking the time. I see you also noticed my frequent edits and responded to those. I am really grateful. Yes the numbness is absolutely a defense thing and these are absolutely stages of grief I am going through. Thank you for the therapy link, I do not have an...
  12. R

    Mono trying to support Poly wife.

    Hello, I am a monogamous male, married for about 12 years to my wife who... well recently but not recently revealed to me she is poly. I am here to explore if this can work for me and read about strategies for coping with some of the negative emotions I'm sure to go through. I do experience...