Search results

  1. A

    Success stories?

    Thanks for your replies! Didn't mean to be lazy in asking people to repeat their stories! Actually dug around the life stories section a bit, but was a little more interested in hearing people's stories of the beginnings of their poly relationships/lifestyle. Seemed that a lot of the life...
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    Why and how did you get into poly?

    I love this explanation from response above: "I'm free to relate to each person in my life in the way that makes the most sense for the two of us." There are some people who you encounter in your life who you really care for and bring a lot to your life, but who you simply can't maintain...
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    Success stories?

    Hi all, So I've been reading a lot of stories on here from people who are entering (or just entertaining the idea of) polyamorous relationships, often from a place of fear/anxiety/difficulty. I was thinking it might be helpful for all of us who are new to this and filled with questioning to...
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    Poly dating advice

    update! Thanks for your responses! Some thoughts/updates... I wouldn't say I have had enough time as a "swinger" to have the strictly-sexual aspect of that lifestyle programmed into me. In fact, I would say that is why I have found myself dissatisfied with it. I also think that, when you...
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    Poly dating advice

    Hi all! Thanks in advance for letting me draw upon your experiences and knowledge. Let me give you a little background on myself, and then I'll get to the issue I'd love some input/advice on. I am in a non-monogomous relationship with my boyfriend of 2 years. Our exploration of non-monogomy...