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  1. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    They weren't there long enough to see any of that. My one girl slept on their couch, my other girl on the floor. My girls have their own rooms at home. So nuts, I know.
  2. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    No she came back home then with the kids.
  3. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    Thanks for responding. I will take all that into consideration.
  4. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    It's been a while, but we were good and my wife came to her senses. Cried to me that she screwed up and loved me and didn't want to throw our life together away. But she had hired her girlfriend at our business right before she came to her senses, and now she is back to square 1 again. This 23...
  5. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    She does work, but being together for 25 years we are living a lifestyle that basically requires both salaries. I do make more and have great health, dental and vision insurance, as well. Prices of homes and rent are extremely high where we live and she can't afford it and she knows it.
  6. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    It's just a really just f***ed up situation, to be frank. I kinda just feel like a 3rd wheel, to be honest. I feel the only reason my wife is really staying is because financially she just can't survive. She has told me this. I'm really on the verge of just telling her to get the hell out...
  7. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    Thanks for reaching out. So, long story short, I agreed to let my wife's girlfriend move in with us. It has its ups and downs. Honestly, I'm not sure if it was the right decision. It was not even my idea, it was my wife's. She does not want to leave our relationship, and expressed that, but...
  8. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    You are 100% right. Though I am taking this slow right now, hopefully it goes in my favor. I guess I did screw up here along the way with some of my decisions, but I wasn't sure what was right or wrong. This is all foreign to me. I never expected this. Thank you for your help.
  9. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    Kevin, I'm all about my wife and don't want another woman. I was debating on telling the bf, but he will soon find out, I'm sure. The gf also lives in his house with 2 of his kids. The 3rd is someone else's.
  10. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    Thank you Galagirl!
  11. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    Getting off on the humiliation... that's nowhere near in the ballpark. I do appreciate your reply. We are talking 25 years of a relationship with all the trimmings and some. If I have to go through a rough patch in my life so Jade can realize the mistake she's making with this woman, gay or not...
  12. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    Thank you, again. I didn't have sex with Amber, only with Jade, my wife. It wasn't even my idea. The threesome was Amber's idea. Yeah, more confusion.
  13. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    Thank you for the reply.
  14. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    Thanks for your advice. It is extremely confusing. This struggle sex I speak about is strange because it seems like our sex life has got so much better now that she's in this other relationship with Amber. She is a lot happier now and treats me so much better. This really comes down to what...
  15. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    Thank you. Well, you're dead on about being confusing. It really is. 100% gay and still banging me. I questioned her on this, because she doesn't have to have sex with me. She said, "Well, you're the only guy I have ever been with." She struggles having sex with me, but knows it makes me happy...
  16. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    I want to express how grateful I am for everyone so far who has taken the time to write to me. What you have suggested is exactly my train of thought right now. We have been together since we were 15 years old. We are now 40. I have come to the realization that I can't give her what she...
  17. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    Thanks for the reply. Originally, she wanted out of the relationship ,but soon realized that just wasn't realistic. She knows she has it good. She couldn't afford to get a place with our 2 kids and the girlfriend's 3 kids. She doesn't make enough money. I did tell her. "If you love her so...
  18. C

    I feel awkward and lost, gay (?) wife

    Well, extremely long story short, after 25 years of being together, my wife has come out as 100% gay, as she calls it. I always knew she liked women, but after 25 years, 2 kids, a house, business, vacation home and everything else together, I never expected that she wanted nothing to do with me...