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  1. Natja

    Ask a triad - advice column

    Urgh, I would just feel SO much pressure, horrible.... Maybe if she had a bad marriage maybe she just has had ENOUGH of masculine energy? Maybe it is not a strong man she needs but a soft woman? Maybe she will never need a strong man to be safe? Just so much projection I can't even believe...
  2. Natja

    Ask a triad - advice column

    Why not just leave them to the relationship they have? It is clearly respectful and loving, pushing your own agenda on them just because of a fantasy is pretty selfish IMHO.
  3. Natja

    Cheating within Triad - need advice please!

    Agree with LoveBunny in that there seems to be a bit of a monogamist mentality here with the husband replacing one 'wife' in his heart with a 'new wife', But think hard on it OP, if this is how he deals with a serious issue in his marriage ie emotionally freezing her out, than do you feel he is...
  4. Natja

    How to handle sucky break-up comment

    Your friend probably has a mono mindset that sees something safe and familiar with the status quo. The standard paradigm is all.
  5. Natja

    Ask a triad - advice column

    Agreed. And a lot of people only realise that they are couple fronted after they have changed their whole lives also, how can that NOT be hurtful if you have sacrificed so much? Of course it is hurtful and abusive behaviour. How many women have lost so much because couples have given them the...
  6. Natja

    Moved in with the married couple........

    Just remember we had a couple of other 'Distressed Unicorns' a year or so ago that disappeared and never came back, their situations almost the same as this one, remember the one who couldn't go anywhere because they lived in the middle of no where and they did not give her a car to use....I did...
  7. Natja

    How to find a girlfriend for a couple without freaking her out?

    Sources in the XY world..... :p I think there is a porn review panel show somewhere....there MUST be, I insist on it...
  8. Natja

    Moved in with the married couple........

    Nope, don't believe a word of it. Sorry.
  9. Natja

    Unicorns & Unicorn Hunters - Merged Threads, General Discussion

    Also, I know this is personal and I am by no means inferring that other people have this problem with it being SO couple focused and couple centric. You really are not giving the impression AT ALL that any other person would ever be able to be anything but an optional extra to you both...
  10. Natja

    Our beginnings

    Are you even sure whether he knew about you? DADT relationships are not for everyone and certainly not a sure fire recipe for avoiding jealousy. The OP appears to be on the right track.
  11. Natja

    How to find a girlfriend for a couple without freaking her out?

    Urgh....SO much male insecurity, competition and sexual hangups regarding women being dirtied/soiled by other men in that mindset. :(
  12. Natja

    Family style living in poly

    I would love it, it is what I really want in life but there are just SO many other variables that might it seem unlikely ever to happen alas. My only experience was not good at all but there were reasons for it that I would NOT be repeating.
  13. Natja

    Unicorns & Unicorn Hunters - Merged Threads, General Discussion

    That is exactly it Greenacres, it is the thing which drives me most crazy.
  14. Natja

    How to find a girlfriend for a couple without freaking her out?

    I think it has already been stated perfectly. Woman is bi, man fancies HAWT THREESOME SEX and they think this is the bestest way EVAH to avoid jealousy. Blessed ignorance.
  15. Natja

    Advise holidays

    Don't worry dear, I am Queen Elizabeth II, posting anon. But people don't know and even if they knew they would never believe it so....we will all have our "things" don't we??
  16. Natja

    She's jealous of me

    What a whiny little wuss. Sack him and move on!
  17. Natja

    We hate each other. What to do?

    She is not a piece of trash, talk about couple privilege! What about them all getting together to discuss the best way to deal with the situation than legal wife telling her to move out. How would you like it if you were having a row with your husband and he came to you and told you that he...
  18. Natja

    We hate each other. What to do?

    Firstly, this woman has not been diagnosed with any mental illness, someone presuming that is what she has because his father is a psychologist is NOT an accurate diagnosis, you lot DO know that right? My father is a tailor, doesn't mean you should ask me to make you a suit! Also to the person...