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  1. T

    A Mono's Journey Into Poly-Land (or, "Aw hell, there's no road map?!")

    Your writing always makes me smile, YAH. I was excited to get the email notification that you had a new post here. Off to look up "Collard Greens and Snails" on Spotify. That sounds bizarre!
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    Sex history calculator

    I'm 41. "You've done the deed with more people than 90 percent of your peers." I'm actually pretty shocked. I was a late bloomer, and I was in a long-term mono relationship from 26-40. Julian has been my only partner since then. I never would have thought 16 was a high number of sex partners for...
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    Those strange patterns in your dating history

    Every guy I've had sex with (16 people) has the word MAN or SON somewhere in their name. Mostly their last names, but a couple of them in their first names.
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    Seperate vacations

    I just took a long vacation with my boyfriend, who is married to someone else. It was fine. His wife spent the whole time with her girlfriend. When Julian and his wife go somewhere together, I distract myself with fun plans of my own, things I wouldn't do with Julian, like visit my family...
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    thirteenth's journal

    I can't believe it's been over two months since I updated. Julian and I had our vacation together and it was glorious. We are more connected than ever. Being with him for so many uninterrupted days and nights exceeded my very high expectations. I do think the NRE has ended and we're in a new...
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    I am barrier-free with Julian (who is my only partner), but he uses barriers with his wife, Maya, because she has several partners and the occasional casual hookup. Maya always uses barriers for intercourse and oral sex with all of her partners. The three of us are also tested frequently for STIs.
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    The Best Life Yet

    UGH, that game is the WORST. So offensive. The funny thing is that the more "genteel" the people throwing the shower, the more likely they are to include that nasty game, in my experience. The first time I saw it was at a really fancy shower on Park Avenue in NYC for a college friend of mine...
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    So far, my NRE with Julian has lasted 10 months, with no signs of fading. But it has definitely morphed from giddy infatuation to a more steady, deep love. I still get very excited when I'm about to see him (although we see each other at least 6 days a week), and we cannot keep our hands off...
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    The Best Life Yet

    That's awesome, Reverie -- I'm so happy for you!
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    Pet peeve: "sleeping together"

    I agree that V-card is horrible. And so is "deflowered," or anything that refers to a woman's virginity as a flower. It always makes me picture someone pulling a daisy off of a vulva. :eek:
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    The Best Life Yet

    Oh my god, Reverie, I was reading your update and realizing I totally ship you and Rider, as the fandoms say. :D I am so happy for you guys, that you've come to the conclusion that you want to be together for the long haul. You're kind of my poly role model, to be honest.
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    Pet peeve: "sleeping together"

    I was just reminded of another term similar to sleeping together. I was watching a tv show from the early 90s and the husband said to the wife, "You told me you only went to bed with four people before me." That expression always makes me think of Woody Allen films. It sounds so dated.
  13. T

    Can a monogamous marriage suffering an affair have a happy poly ending?

    Ordnacilacat, wow, this sounds really difficult. There are many people here who give excellent advice and I know they'll be coming along soon, but I just wanted to offer my support. I hope you have great after-care with your midwife or OB/GYN, especially in regards to possible postpartum...
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    The Best Life Yet

    Aw, I'm sorry, Reverie. I hope you'll soon get to a place with Moss where just being friends feels right.
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    New poly-relationship has me in crisis!

    This sounds exactly like Scientology. Its adherents do "audits" in which they have to "clear" upsetting things that are supposedly blocking them from moving forward. This involves extreme scrutiny of the events (some of which supposedly occurred in their past lives.) I think it's a bunch of...
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    thirteenth's journal

    Julian and my family got along great. Nobody asked about his wedding ring. He told me he had a wonderful time afterwards. (A welcome change, because my long-term ex hated doing anything with family, both his and mine.) Today I struggle with something. I feel resentful when Julian is exhausted...
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    Respecting and enforcing limits

    I don't think any precaution you want to take for your own fertility or health could be construed as overreacting. You have to do what's right for you, and it's good that you know your own mind on the issue of terminating a pregnancy. I am virulently pro-choice, and I totally respect that some...
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    The Best Life Yet

    I wish I were as open as you when it came to writing about sex, Reverie. I love reading your libidinal updates, and don't feel at all embarrassed when I read them, but when I try to imagine posting about my own sex life, I start blushing immediately. Funny how that works.
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    thirteenth's journal

    Julian is coming to my extended family's Easter brunch this weekend. He has met my parents (who know our situation, or at least the Cliffs Notes version) and one aunt, but this will be cousins and other aunts and uncles, some quite conservative Irish Catholics, and a bunch of busy-bodies...