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  1. M

    Suicide Watch....

    As am I. It was one of the only reasons I hadn't put space between us prior to this.
  2. M

    Suicide Watch....

    Thank you for the advice. I'm a little scared of the fall out but I dont know what else to do. I appreciate your words. And yes, you are right...its time for them to handle her. It didn't sound calloused at all. Very honest and what I need to hear. She has been calling from the hospital, how...
  3. M

    Suicide Watch....

    The office manager is a family member and was present at the house when the cops arrived. I told her a very edited version of what happened. "She's going through some things, threatened suicide when I told her I couldn't help" etc etc.... She is going to let her go and let her get unemployment...
  4. M

    Suicide Watch....

    Thank you for this. The amount of guilt I feel overwhelms me sometimes. And if she blames me in her letters to her loved ones, I don't know if I could ever live that down. However, I am still breaking up with her. So sorry for your loss. I know that had to be difficult. Thank you for sharing...
  5. M

    Suicide Watch....

    I'm going to try to make an extremely long story as relatively short as possible. My gf and I have been together since March 2015. Its been crazy since then. I should've taken the advice from a few people here who said I should leave her alone but I thought I was "in love." I wasn't. I...
  6. M

    He forced me out the closet, now lets hang out

    Exactly. To everything you said. It's actually a one bedroom and a "den." Every time I say 2 bedrooms, she corrects me. Lol. So I guess its technically a 2 bedroom. Yes. She's taking an online course so I would probably chill and talk or watch netflix or something..... I told her and she's...
  7. M

    He forced me out the closet, now lets hang out

    I'm relatively new here and have made a few posts since my arrival. So first, I want to thank those who have given their 2 cents. IT HAS BEEN HELPING ME MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. Back story: I have been with my fiance for 9 years. I experimented with women in college (with him via 3somes)...
  8. M

    And I thought I was just being selfish....

    Exactly. And after he's outed me and her to all of her family and friends (none of her family knew she was bi. She had kept that a secret since she was younger)...she's questioning whether she can handle someone like that too. I've encouraged them to get counseling because they have a family...
  9. M

    And I thought I was just being selfish....

    No he knew. 100%. They had arrangements since they were married 5 years ago, meaning she could have sex with other women only. No men. When she developed feelings for me, she told him and he was still fine with everything. I even asked him, from a guys perspective, if I should tell my fiance and...
  10. M

    And I thought I was just being selfish....

    Thank you for that. I felt like I was forced out of the closet, which is a whole other issue I'm dealing with. I felt like me being bi was no one's business to tell but mine, and that was ruined for me. But I can't be mad at anyone else but myself. I could have handled everything differently. So...
  11. M

    And I thought I was just being selfish....

    Yea I was afraid of that. I guess I'll see how things pan out, but it seems like I'm going to have to make a pretty tough decision. I wish I would've gone about this a different way and opened up to him about my sexuality earlier but its too late for woulda, coulda, shouldas... Thank you so...
  12. M

    And I thought I was just being selfish....

    Literally the day before. My gf's husband got into an argument with her and outed her sexuality and our situation to all of her family and friends. And of course my fiance. Definitely not how I wanted him to find out. That was my whole goal for therapy.
  13. M

    And I thought I was just being selfish....

    Yes. Both. For about a month. Him and I had a planned therapy session on Thursday (where I was going to tell him I was bi and about her) but he found out everything the day before. Before I even developed feelings for her and saw her STRICTLY as a friend, he had always made jokes like "why...
  14. M

    And I thought I was just being selfish....

    :( Thank you for putting all of that into perspective. That IS a lot to deal with at once. When I confirmed that I was bi, his first response was "I knew that all this time." I was taking comfort in hoping he wasn't struggling with that as much, but either way....his vision of our future is...
  15. M

    What are your rules?

    I'm sorry that happened to you. He doesn't deserve you if he can't handle a conversation about YOUR pain tolerance. Hope things get better for you :(
  16. M

    What are your rules?

    I see how some relationships work with some standard of expectations while others are much more fluid. I guess it truly depends on the individuals involved, their level of comfort, and where they are in each relationship. Definitely something to keep in mind. Thank you for all of the input and...
  17. M

    And I thought I was just being selfish....

    I'm so glad I came here. All of this advice is GOLDEN. Thank you so much for that breakdown. I will definitely try to implement that this week. He isn't much of a talker, so I know it would probably be at most 30 least when we're first starting out lol. Again...thank you!
  18. M

    And I thought I was just being selfish....

    That's a great idea. Maybe that's what he was saying when he said "we don't have to talk about it all the time." I guess my anxiety to make sure he always feels confident in where we stand can come across as a bit suffocating if I'm always asking questions and grilling him on how he feels. I...
  19. M

    And I thought I was just being selfish....

    He hasn't done that much researching. He told me he typed "girlfriend is bi and wants bf and gf" into google...skimmed some stuff...and that was it. He said he doesn't want to seek out other relationships. I believe him and I won't force that on him, but we have definitely dealt with his...
  20. M

    And I thought I was just being selfish....

    Its all so new to him, so I don't think he understands that my love for him has not changed or lessened. When I initially told him, he felt like I didn't want him, which is not true at all. He says he's up for the idea, but sometimes makes comments that insinuate he's struggling with it all or...