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  1. B

    In desperate need of metamour advice

    Hi there, I totally understand your frustration about this situation. I think your partner does not handle this whole situation well. I think it should be HIS responsibility to manage and discuss things at home, not yours. I would also go with the others' advice to ask your partner to stop...
  2. B

    To survive a relationship

    I agree. The coping mechanisms are also different in different persons. For example I cannot meditate or pay attention to my breath, it annoys me and I become even more anxious. So I envy those who can learn meditating and calming down by controlling their breath.
  3. B

    Ellies intro!

    Hi Ellie, Sure thing! It would be great to have a closer friend and get to know each other better. It feels like 'pen pals' when we were children :)
  4. B

    Ellies intro!

    Hi Ellie, Welcome to the forum, I am also new here and I have a very similar mindset and feeling with my own friends. Sometimes it is not easy as people rarely understand even if they accept so I cannot ask for advice on relationship matters too much from my friends. I crochet in my free time...
  5. B

    To survive a relationship

    I sometimes feel that too, I have already identified that if I do not get enough attention one-on-one the lurking feeling tend to spike more. I also realised that if I go to sleep during the day for any reason I must wait after waking up and do not socialize for 30-40 minutes in any ways with...
  6. B

    To survive a relationship

    Omg, this is tough. I understand your feelings and anxiousness. I hope this will change to a positive direction soon.
  7. B

    To survive a relationship

    Did your life change a lot since pandemic started? Realizing such a thing about yourself is a big deal, trigger for a lot of change of what and how you think and also I think it leads to a huge amount of questions arise. And everyone is different how to cope with changes. For me realizing I am...
  8. B

    To survive a relationship

    Anxiety is a bastard. When you are in it you just cannot think clearly, you are driven by your instinct to "run or die". This is why it is so difficult to be intentional about it I think. Mostly you can just relate to and analyze what has already happened. What you are anxious about? What is...
  9. B

    To survive a relationship

    I can very much relate to this topic and this thread. I did (and sometimes do) have anxiety caused by a previous abuser relationship and due to a bit of PTSD (long story, if anyone interested happy to share privately as I have learnt a lot from this), and it was very difficult to learn how I can...
  10. B

    Why do you use the online name that you use?

    I wanted to stay incognito and Bun is the short version for Bunny, which was my nick name (literally) decades ago.
  11. B

    Bun's introduction

    Hi Kevin, Thank you so much for your warm welcome message :) It is interesting to read (as since I have read some topics and personal stories) that many of us stay in the closet. I had some doubts and bad feelings that we are coming up with some stories to "hide" the truth from neighbours and...
  12. B

    Bun's introduction

    Hi Evie, Thanks really much for your response. I am so new to this I am not yet familiar with the definitions and tags, thanks for the corrections about it, it will be easier to refer it correctly. The situation was unfortunate however we (my meta - call her C - and I) think that T (call him...
  13. B

    Bun's introduction

    Hey Everyone, I am happy that I found this forum. I am 39 years old (very soon to be 40 :LOL:) and have a 17 years old daughter. I have lived in a monogamous marriage for over 14 years, however I think I have always been open to poliamory, or "poli ways of thinking" in a way, even during my...