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  1. K

    Hi, been reading but new to have an account

    Hello stranger LOL LOL LOL. :)
  2. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    Fight resolved btw, and in a way where I think we all three learned something about communication, apologies, and how different people heal from disagreements.
  3. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    I more or less agree with all of this. Our three strengths are: 1) no long standing existing relationship, so no third wheel feelings (yet), 2) all very similar personalities (not that couples need to be, but I think it can help when navigating three), 3) we are aware of all that is stacked...
  4. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    Different type of advice... How to be the third in a triad while the other two are having a fight? We all get along so well, do so much together, that there's never been more than a momentary squabble resolved in minutes. I've always known that would change eventually. Couples fight. It's...
  5. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    I completely get this, and don't think it's impossible that we'll get burned and feel the same way. I think we are mature enough to be aware of that. But, for now, based on the more traditional beliefs we *do* have, we want to give it a try. And hope we can make it work. Aren't all...
  6. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    I think 1) as we've both said, my partners and I are rare(r), and 2) it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people who do fit in my category wouldn't feel comfortable coming on a poly board. I think that's more a situation of their own close-mindedness than a commentary on the board, but I could...
  7. K

    Sleeping Arrangements and Beds: Merged Threads, General Discussion

    We already plannedo nthe three duvets, but the shelf and light switch in the middle is genius, and will def do it. Adding it to the list. Thank you!
  8. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    These are both good ideas. Because I like to cook serious/complex sometimes. I had romantic images of them sitting at the island while I cooked food, served it, and stood and ate on the opposite side. But the day to day reality is that's... a weekend activity. And the island isn't necessary. It...
  9. K

    How many people have given up on finding their Soulmates?

    I guess I kind of don't believe in soul mates and never have. I've met a man and a woman and they are great for me, a thousand times better than anyone I ever met. They are my people and I'm happy, but neither they nor I are perfect. There is no such thing. And meanwhile, I'm not naive enough to...
  10. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    So the house we are closing on has a large kitchen, large living room, and large master bedroom and en-suite bathroom. The second bedroom is only average, as is the 2nd bath, and the office is downright small. Nice outstairs balcony. The master already has two gargantuan closets, and I think is...
  11. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    This is all fair. I'll respond more fully tomorrow, but in the meantime I truly apologize if I came across too terse. That wasn't fair of me.
  12. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    Adding my pillow to the packing list! Great point!
  13. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    Yes! and a great idea!
  14. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    I truly get the reason why beds in all three rooms sound nice, but it isn't feasible in the house we are working on closing on. Prioritizing having a dedicated office meant we could only afford a 2 bedroom, the extra office is tiny and wouldn't even fit a bed, let alone a bed plus desk/etc. So...
  15. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    Correction for all, in my first post I say S and T had been dating 4 years, that should have read 4 months. Sorry!!!!
  16. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    I admitted I overreacted earlier and I apologized. Many of your concerns are fair and worthy of further converstaion, but I'm going to be honest and say your tone the whole way through, including now, seems condescending about anyone seeing marriage different than you. Much of mainstream...
  17. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    For sure, rotating is an option. Though I tend to sleep best when I have consistency (I don't sleep well when I travel, for instance), so I might just try taking the middle. We'll see.
  18. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    So we are kind of zoning in on Spain, and the biggest problem is I'm having trouble finding big beds in airbnbs or vrbos in Spain, because I think they just aren't common there. I can find them in SOME nicer hotels, but then that's more eyes on us honeymooning as a triad, and more importantly...
  19. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    To respond to the gist of those questions: ~I've messed around, but not been brought to climax by another person, nor brought them to climax. (I do own a vibrator, and have for a decade.) ~In my mind we will all three be married, although I realize no organized church will see it that way. For...
  20. K

    About to marry into a throuple

    Fair, and I admittedly overreacted based on the *number* of questions in the same post (feeling overwhelming) and the tone of some of those questions (which I do find problematic), but I wholly admit I overstated in response, and for that I apologize. As I said originally, a lot of the doubts...