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  1. S

    Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

    You deserve them. X
  2. S

    Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

    Sounds like a great day you had. X
  3. S

    Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

    Enjoy shopping and your take away x
  4. S

    Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

    Love your blog x
  5. S

    Boundary crossed

    Don’t be too hard on yourself, you were honest with her, as much as it hurts right now. It will get better, thinking of you x
  6. S

    Triad advice

    Would they be prepared to sit down and have a conversation with you about it? I’m in a similar problem with my girlfriend and boyfriend (a married couple). Communication is definitely the biggest thing in a triad, which is what I have learned over the last few days.
  7. S

    How do I stop feeling like a spare wheel.

    Thank you for this, you’ve hit the nail completely on the head, I’ve always been someone to cut myself off from things when it gets to much so I’m trying to be more open around them, I told them that yes I’m emotional but I’m only emotional with people and things that I care about, we had a good...
  8. S

    How do I stop feeling like a spare wheel.

    I know I’m not married to either of them. No I don’t expect phone calls or texts all day everyday, I just wanted a bit of effort when we are not together because that’s how our relationships will grow, yes up until recently we were chatting on the phone often, but since I had the week with them...
  9. S

    How do I stop feeling like a spare wheel.

    Yeah I think I’m going to speak to them and see what happens. I know one thing, I can’t put up with it though, I wasn’t a priority in my 15 year marriage so I’m not going to go through that again.
  10. S

    How do I stop feeling like a spare wheel.

    No, I don’t think they are doing it on purpose. S said that we are equals and I’m not just a girlfriend but that’s how I am beginning to feel, some days I don’t even feel like a girlfriend, i do understand that they will put slight more into each other but I’m feeling left out…and I’m not sure...
  11. S

    How do I stop feeling like a spare wheel.

    That’s the bit that gets to me, I get that they are busy, I am too but the make time to call each other when they are apart yet I get nothing, I messaged G this morning and I still haven’t heard back despite it was sent at around 7am (it’s now 9:45pm) I just feel like I’m putting more into this...
  12. S

    How do I stop feeling like a spare wheel.

    We do get out and do things but my son doesn’t cope being around many people, my daughter is a gymnast and dancer so we take her to many classes, I try to talk to other mums but most of them just say hello and that’s it so I tend to just be by myself whilst I wait for her. I do need to distance...
  13. S

    How do I stop feeling like a spare wheel.

    Thanks, you’re right. Yeah the week we spent together was lovely. I guess I need to give it time instead of panicking. X
  14. S

    How do I stop feeling like a spare wheel.

    Yeah, it just gets to me as they constantly contact each other when they ain’t together and I had more communication when me and S were just friends. Just something that has been getting to me lately. When me and G are together; we still call S so she doesn’t feel left out, but when they are...
  15. S

    How do I stop feeling like a spare wheel.

    Hey guys, I’ve been in a triad since late last year and all was going well, it still is but I do feel a bit of a spare wheel at times and I’m not sure how to stop that feeling. I’ve been going through a few things in my personal life and they keep telling me I can talk to them but I really...
  16. S

    Announcing relationship to others?

    Yes I home educate my children, he does give us money towards their upbringing, I also get extra support as my son has additional needs. My children are 16,10 and 8 and I also bring up my niece who is 3. No I do not follow the curriculum as it doesn’t work for my little boy, I also have a part...
  17. S

    Announcing relationship to others?

    It did and didn’t, it ended not on the best note but afterwards we all admitted we were in love with each other so want to keep this going. I told them that I did feel like I was trying to compete with their amount of past which I can’t do and they both admitted that they didn’t mean to make...
  18. S

    Announcing relationship to others?

    so thought I’d update. Been spending time with both of them since Sunday and G told S that he loves me and she convinced him to tell me how he was feeling. I had a night alone with him last night which was amazing, and he told me. It was nice hearing it but at the same time I was worried about...
  19. S

    Announcing relationship to others?

    Thanks. At the moment we have threesomes and we’ve had our own separate time, obviously they get more one on one time since I live further away but we do call etc often. I was worried that Sarah would become jealous but so far she’s been great, when we’re all together it’s incredible, and when...
  20. S

    Announcing relationship to others?

    Yes, we have admitted we have feelings now, at the start we were trying to process what was happening and we’re now trying to work on our emotional connection. Yeah we discussed moving in together eventually but not at the moment and possibly moving closer to each other but this is still an...