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  1. T

    Screwed up text size

    CTRL key and mouse scroll wheel? :)
  2. T

    BC Reference Case on Polygamy and Group Marriages

    It was worded so vaguely, that they COULD have. It was certainly something I worried about.
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    BC Reference Case on Polygamy and Group Marriages

    It's a good amount of progress from my POV. It means that we three can't be arrested because I'm married to Indigo and also having "conjugal relations" with Mr. A.
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    Downside of Dating, Psycho-Hose-Beasts!

    Yeah. I suppose the herpes I got from selling myself on a street corner would have been a sticking point for him, too. Funnily enough, that special man was pre poly. Morning after an oral sex only romp: "What's that bump on my lip? Oh yeah, I have been feeling a cold sore coming on." Ugh.
  5. T

    Downside of Dating, Psycho-Hose-Beasts!

    I had one guy who initiated contact, told me he thought it was really interesting I was poly, etc. we had a number of great chats about poly and other topics. Something seemed a little off, but I couldn't tell if it was due to computers between us or not. So we had been chatting for about a...
  6. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    The hormonal one is covered by my drug plan (which is good since it's a whopping $400), but the copper one wasn't (only $150). It's good for five years, I think. (Need to check the card.) Apparently I'm into brackets today. :p This one is feeling weird. I have the same "heavy" feeling I get in...
  7. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Have you had hormonal ones? I thought Mirena was the first, but I have been wrong before. I had a paraguard, but my period became unbearable (have had very light periods all my life, if a bit long) with awful cramps, heavy bleeding and well, what can only be described as chunks falling out of...
  8. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Thanks everyone. I haven't had much time to write as I usually do at work during slow periods, because work has been insane. Counselling session was good. We both got some perspective on the other person. Someone nudge me in the future if I forget to update about that. Depression has finally...
  9. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Thanks, these have all been helpful. Have to remember we're not snowflakes! ;) We have a counseling session tonight, and I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully will have some updates to share later.
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    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Yeah, I'm wondering if these are normal growing pains in a marriage (aside from the sex, which would be less common). Any anecdotes about others' early married (or similarly committed) years would help me gain a better perspective.
  11. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Dinged, I've tried to be patient and respond to your questions and statements, but you're so far off base right now. If you would like to continue posting on my blog, please take the time to read said blog from the beginning (as many of the assumptions you have made in this post and previous...
  12. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Why should it be the man complaining about the lack of sex, instead of the woman? If you don't understand, I really can't be bothered to explain it any further. Perhaps someone else would care to. In terms of finances, yes. He does more than his fair share around the house, and I would be fine...
  13. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Absolutely true. And I feel magnitudes better today than I did on Sunday. I think that's part of the reason it's easy to minimize, because when things are going well it doesn't seem like a big deal. When they're not going well, it's feels like a deal-breaker. The truth is probably somehwere in...
  14. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Yes, I am. It's not the only problem, but it is the most glaringly obvious one, so I do tend to ruminate on it more than the others. That's a sexist statement. You've been around here long enough that you should know better by now. Yes to sexual technique, yes to honesty issues, not sure...
  15. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Thanks, everyone. Indigo has backed off and given me space, for which I am grateful. He seems to have figured out that giving me space does not mean giving me a head start to run away. :p I don't feel like there's this constant pressure to be affectionate with him. In return, I'm able to be...
  16. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    He was given anti-depressants and says they're working. We've been on a waiting list for a sex therapy clinic since about February. Yeah, it probably sounds like I'm being hard on him; I haven't posted on my blog in months, because this is all I can think about to post, but couldn't bring...
  17. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Yes. Not really. Knowing he's around tends to lead to calmer discussions, because he has to live here, too. He's "interested" in the sense that he's sorry we're both hurting, not because he's trying to oust Indigo. They're good friends, not rivals. He has offered to leave us alone if we ever...
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    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    This is exactly it. I'm the yeller, he's the turtle. It's more that I don't want to make any rash decisions right now. We have a counseling appointment on Wednesday, so I don't think a few days of silence until we can have an objective third party is a bad idea, given my current feelings.
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    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Does that book deal with trust? Because that's where we are right now. The problem in a nutshell is that when we first started dating, I was on anti-depressants that killed my libido. When I was in the mood, it was very difficult to achieve orgasm. However, I wanted to be a good partner for...
  20. T

    This is a lot of work. (TP's story, when she feels like updating)

    Thank you, Phy. It started as issues with sex, and just sort of grew into trust in general from there. We've been in counselling for about six months. Sometimes I feel okay about our future, other times I do not. The last couple of weeks have been a "do not."