Search results

  1. L

    NRE (New Relationship Energy) - Merged Threads, General Discussion

    Yes it does, thank you. I would hate to get lost in semantics. If understanding can take place without specific words, I'm right there with you. But I guess since everyone communicates differently, I am just looking to find more ways to do so with more people. ;) But, I'll bet the next time...
  2. L

    NRE (New Relationship Energy) - Merged Threads, General Discussion

    Thanks, Ceoli. And thanks for the spelling. I did the search and it wanted to use the e rather than the a. :D
  3. L

    NRE (New Relationship Energy) - Merged Threads, General Discussion

    Limerence Vs NRE Given the conversation around the word "limerence" that is new to me, I figured I should educate myself on the term and how it applies. From my reading, limerence would exist before a relationship is established, while NRE would exist once the situation moves into a...
  4. L

    Why do you use the online name that you use?

    LoLa is a combo of first and last name I use for writing and kink. I thought to do some topping, so needed something that would work, and "whatever Lola wants, lola gets..." was fun. Well, the topping is long gone, but the handle sticks for "alternative" lifestyle things. :)
  5. L

    Losing Faith in Mongamy?

    I'm glad you brought this up, Ceoli. What I'm seeing in your posts, Thirty, is a resistance to not getting to have R. I understand it. I realize it's easier said than done when it comes to feelings, but you've been given very good advice and in that is to go slowly for your wife's sake. If...
  6. L

    Role Playing Games

    So, are most of these online games? I know WoW is. I hate to pay monthly fees for games. :D and if my schedule interrupts that, then I'm dishing out the cash for nothing. Maybe why I enjoy the stand-alone games more...I'm too cheap. :cool: My sister already finished DragonAge...says it...
  7. L

    "Red Flags" - Warning Signs in Relationships

    From my perspective, this seems pretty true for us. He sees things I don't see and on occasion I even see something here and there. It's nice to know someone has your back, even when they are trying to point out something that might be wrong or just questionable. That is, after all, them...
  8. L

    Role Playing Games

    Soooo...what do you think of it so far? Not a quickie RPG...have to devote a few hours to play. Definitely no less than one hour at a time. The story line alone takes a bit of time. But...reminds me of BG series. Just wish I could have more party members. ;)
  9. L

    Poly Vignettes: Sharing Success & Happiness

    Sounds like heaven. :)
  10. L

    "Red Flags" - Warning Signs in Relationships

    Infectious, isn't it? :D
  11. L

    "Red Flags" - Warning Signs in Relationships

    Thanks! Hot Bi-Babe seekers added to the list. ;)
  12. L

    "Red Flags" - Warning Signs in Relationships

    Great! Added to the list. :D
  13. L

    "Red Flags" - Warning Signs in Relationships

    I hear you. :D But breakfast in bed is sounding kind of cool. ;)
  14. L

    "Red Flags" - Warning Signs in Relationships

    Well, I am starting a list for my own use. Might take some time and work, but it will be a useful resource, imho. Were there more references available, perhaps we could help not only ourselves, but humanity in general. Those adventurers in poly who have written things for us are appreciated...
  15. L

    "Red Flags" - Warning Signs in Relationships

    thanks Thanks for the lesson on the search feature. :D I will have to see if I can find what I'm looking for. Too bad there's not a list somewhere. ;)
  16. L

    "Red Flags" - Warning Signs in Relationships

    Since I'm really pretty new to Poly, I was wondering what, if any, "red flags" the more experienced members might have found along their travels. What are some warning signs you've seen that you now know might be telling you to look more closely at things? Finding out someone is not telling...
  17. L


    This is my loving Mono man. :) Were it not for his understanding, I probably would still be in the dark.
  18. L

    Poly Vignettes: Sharing Success & Happiness

    How wonderful. I am so happy for all of you.
  19. L

    Role Playing Games

    That's the one! :D
  20. L

    Role Playing Games

    Am awaiting the arrival of Dragon...something or other. Hoping to have time to actually play. I tend to get a bit lost in the RPGs... :)