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  1. B

    Redpepper's journey

    ^^^ like! ^^^
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    How do I even start to explain??

    I think poly did the same for me. Nice to see an update. What's happened with the church, I wonder.?
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    Secular Buddhism

    im with you. Of course we have goals and desires, and i cannot get to grips with the idea that we should not have attachment to anything - how do we motivate ourselves then to get to work, or pursue a relationship, or go to the doctor for a check up? Surely we have attachment to imagined...
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    Secular Buddhism

    I take it to mean a philosophy without superstition. I might investigate that since christianity has put me off all superstition, (hopefully) for ever. I like the compassion parts of buddhism and more, but when I hear karma and re-incarnation, etc, i hear "blah blah blah"
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    How do I even start to explain??

    Like! How nice to get an update!
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    Religious Bullies

    Ha ha, Ive typed it all up on here before! :-)
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    Religious Bullies

    dont get me even started, haha !!
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    How do I even start to explain??

    i am wondering if there is an update to this !
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    How do I even start to explain??

    Very sorry to read this. Im afraid his bullying is supported by the church , and he gets validation from them. It is not likely there is a reconcile while the church are involved.
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    How do I even start to explain??

    agree that respect is better earned than expected, always!
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    How do I even start to explain??

    I love this. Unfortunately, much of our western culture hold authority in high esteem. Then children are taught to respect those in authority. Your Dad is correct here, we should not always trust , or even be obliged to respect, those in authority. They seem to care less what effect they...
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    How do I even start to explain??

    This is a good way to approach it.
  13. B

    How do I even start to explain??

    And the church are now no help at all, eithsr.
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    How do I even start to explain??

    Wow, I love this..... you dont to ask how ive been bullied!
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    How do I even start to explain??

    I think that if the word "marriage" were replaced with "relationship", there would be more hope. If its what happened to me, what he is likely to do, is shove the churches vows down your throat.. "but you promised to ... dot dot dot". and I think it sums up what is wrong in our culture ...
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    How do I even start to explain??

    ohhh dear. no advice to give, but thinking of you.
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    Two (Plus) Tangents from JOA's Thread

    yes. to THEIR advantage, not your family's!!