Search results

  1. fastlymagic

    Polyamory in mythology and literature

    Kinda something I'm wondering here, and I figured someone on this board would know a little more than me. Anyone know of characters in ancient mythology, classic or modern literature, who are or exhibit characteristics of polyamory? It's just that I realized that...I can't! You can find...
  2. fastlymagic

    Triad Gift Ideas?

    I know me too!!
  3. fastlymagic

    Triad Gift Ideas?

    Poly Charms? NUH UH!! That is AWESOME. That's it right there. Thread closed. Answer found. Kat rocks. ty, ty :)
  4. fastlymagic

    Triad Gift Ideas?

    Cool, but we're trying to avoid rings. One of us is in the process of getting divorced, and the other two are "sorta" engaged. By sorta I mean...we got engaged, but that was six years ago, and we have come to question the meaning of marriage in general, and haven't gone through with it yet...
  5. fastlymagic

    Triad Gift Ideas?

    Hey guys! Long time forum member, increasingly rare visitor here :rolleyes: I had a question I thought maybe you would like to weigh in on. I am in an exclusive triad with two women. I get little gifts for each of them fairly regularly, awesome boyfriend that I am. But I would like to get...
  6. fastlymagic

    Links & (Non-Commercial) Websites

    I wanted to share my website with my friends here, so I thought I'd make a little post. It's a humor site about retail and the horrors of working in retail. It's at I work hard on it, so please check it out and give me any feedback you like...I do so love encouragement :)
  7. fastlymagic

    Role Playing Games

    To be honest, Fastlymagic was the name of my Orc Hunter in WoW at the time I joined this forum :) That was, however, like half a year ago. I am, at present, playing Asheron's Call, the MMO I played first, starting in 2002, and have played on and off ever since. Away from the keyboard, I'm...
  8. fastlymagic

    My third gilfriend: My cat.

    Yea, welcome to the place I talk about our relationship Moonfairy :p
  9. fastlymagic

    My third gilfriend: My cat.

    Okay, kind of a funny situation, but I thought someone may have encountered it before and could lend a little sage advice. I have two girlfriends. One of these I live with, and one I do not. The second, who I will call Sue, comes over fairly often for an evening, a weekend, whatever. Now, I...
  10. fastlymagic

    How do I get over "good, but weird"?

    Thanks, all. :) I guess I didn't really expect some kind of magic cure, though that would have been nice. The funny thing is, I've been giving them both very similar advice, but not taking it myself, apparently. For many concerns that they've had, I've just told them to give it time, let things...
  11. fastlymagic

    How do I get over "good, but weird"?

    A "V"! I'm going to tell them both as soon as possible. It's exciting to have the right terminology. Clearly, I'm a poly noob. ;) Okay, so I think you've got a lot of valid points there. When you said that a lot of that feeling for you was the strangeness of not sharing everything, that hit...
  12. fastlymagic

    How do I get over "good, but weird"?

    I am in a sort of triad that is slightly unbalanced, but is still new and forming. I've been with my primary, Pam, for six years, and with my secondary, Sue, well, this time, for 10 days, so far. I met my secondary (let's call them Pam and Sue respectively, because that's kind of cute) when I...
  13. fastlymagic

    My first third

    Thats the same thing Virginia said, and I did that, but I had to give it to her as a message, as it's been hard to get to see her lately. I told her that I would be here if she came around, but I won't talk to her about him. My reasoning was that if she were venting to me, and justifying her...
  14. fastlymagic

    Hi, I'm Austin (hi, Austin!)

    Yea, I'm the same, but with the people I'm comfortable talking to it about I use it so freely. It's liberating to use. I got it from this article I read on the topic, in which this woman said she wished it was better accepted to walk up to someone and say "Hi, I'm <whoever>. I'm poly." But...
  15. fastlymagic

    My first third

    I met Virginia six years ago and we've been in love in every sense. She's my world, and the best thing that ever happened to me. I recently found out about polyamory, which was quite an epiphany for me, as I realized that's what I am. Soon after, I got back in touch with an old friend, who...
  16. fastlymagic

    Hi, I'm Austin (hi, Austin!)

    Stumbled on the page just googling "polyamory." The spellchecker for this thing is telling me polyamory isn't a word, by the way, which is very ironic. I'm 25, 26 next month (birthday presents should be made out to cash, ty), and sorta new to the poly thing. I'm in the more-or-less rural...