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  1. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    We are back to our natural peace. What a weird thing to say, but it's true. Mr LR and I struggled through some difficult conversations, but ultimately concluded that there wasn't anything significant changing. The difficult conversations were a matter of clarifying what different words meant...
  2. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    Still moving along. I started putting in job applications, aiming to find something with better pay, more pertinent to my education. I have done two interviews recently and another is scheduled for tomorrow. I've also started the application process for my PhD. One step at a time. SaltyPea...
  3. LovingRadiance

    GalaGirl: Conversations Already in Progress.

    Galagirl- Lots of empathy. My stepfather just passed this summer (peacefully in his sleep with his dog at his side). It's been a rollercoaster for my mom as his primary care giver (he had Parkinsons and dementia). She is also the caregiver for my grandmother who has dementia. I am the person...
  4. LovingRadiance

    Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

    "This'll be a "short" blog, :), assuming no one posts any thoughts/questions for me to respond to here, as I'm always willing to respond to thoughts and answer questions to my best knowledge. But, I am suggesting posting on this board to "someone in a success story," and thought it best that I...
  5. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    Mags, I am laughing so hard. We have known each other since summer of 1988. But we didn't date until summer 2018. We have the same first name and my kids have always called him "Mr. First Name." So when I referenced him in my blog in the past, I called him Mr LR because it was simpler than...
  6. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    Excellent way of summing it up KDT!
  7. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    Talk about hitting the nail on the head. That comment struck home. He relied on me to clean up all of his disasters. Now, he's stuck in his own maelstrom.
  8. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    Yes. His drama has increased, if that sounds possible. But ours has definitely decreased with each month he is not a part of our lives. He is currently living with the childhood boyfriend of our oldest child and that man's family because he has a restraining order against his ex-girlfriend, who...
  9. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    Over the years, GG often got left in the shadows of discussions. We took some space at the end of 2014. It was a chaotic time in life. But over the years, he remained a constant support to the kids. We started rebuilding our friendship when Maca and I quit living together and filed divorce...
  10. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    Okay, that is too hilarious. I reviewed this blog and my Wordpress blog. I found in August 2011 a reference to my current boyfriend as "Mr. LR". That works.
  11. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    LOL. I need to go back and read, because I think I may have referenced him at some point in the past and I need to figure out what name I used if I did.
  12. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    I know a few people will want to know that I finished my Master's Degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology in August! It isn't real yet. I'm still waiting for the actual paper to come in the mail. I remember in 2011 when I returned to school for one class over the summer. I was so...
  13. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    I'm not going to elaborate on the other thread. The purpose of it was to allow others who requested a thread "back in the day" to have a place to discuss the topic. My divorce from Maca finalized in March. He played the asshole right to the end. Then, in August, he found out his girlfriend was...
  14. LovingRadiance

    My thoughts regarding privacy vs abuse

    The situation that provoked this thread came full circle in several ways. Several years later, several people in the poly community reached out to apologize for standing silent while I was abused. They are now very vocal about abuse within the community. Their learning and growth and willingness...
  15. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    I do identify as poly. I believe it to be an inherent part of my nature. But like Galagirl wrote sometime back, it is not currently feasible to balance more than one lover, for myriad reasons. GG is still very much a part of my life. He is renting my house. We split the time with our daughter...
  16. LovingRadiance

    Redpepper's journey

    “My life is so boring in comparison.” I feel that in many ways! But I appreciate you so much, still.
  17. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    Let's see... The kids are 28, 23, 22, 19 and 12. Grandkids (there are now 3) are 8, 6, and 4 (soon to be 5 in a month). I finished my Bachelor's of Science in Psychology. I am halfway through my Master's in Industrial Organizational Psychology. Should finish up somewhere around next Christmas...
  18. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    Divorce I haven't been on here in a long time. Life. Responsibilities. Too much emotional shit to work through. In October 2014, Maca said he wanted a divorce. He left town. There was a lot of drama. I don't have time or energy to detail it. A year later, he returned to the house as a...
  19. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    It's almost funnier, more twisted, blatantly and obviously bizarre, since I haven't posted in between. Maca and I sat down to talk again this last Sunday regarding what the plans were with the kids for the upcoming holidays. He told me that he isn't pushing for a divorce, hasn't hired a lawyer...
  20. LovingRadiance

    Just LR

    I just spent four days away for work, in a cabin my job rented for me, with an outdoor hot tub, in Denali National Park. What a wonderful break! Maca left for hunting camp the day after I left for work, with SweetPea in tow. SourPea is with GG. Maca and I sat down a couple days before I left...