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  1. X

    Settling In

    Thank you both for your feedback. It’s extremely helpful on both sides. I think in retrospect, all of us made bad decisions and we can all learn from it. I think Simone made a mistake walking in pretty much knowing that Ethan and I were probably having sex, I think Ethan made a mistake asking...
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    Settling In

    Haha you're not dense at all. And I'm glad the migraine is gone. That's correct. Since I said good bye to Ethan this morning, we haven't communicated (both working) and while I consider Simone a friend, we don't usually communicate outside in-person interactions (I'm not a big texter lol)...
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    Settling In

    No worries. GF/Wife, they cohabitate and have been together for a long time, just haven't gotten formally married. And you're right, since we were already going at it when she arrived, I was thinking with my penis, not my brain. As to the final, I wouldn't say there wasn't more preparation...
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    Settling In

    Thank you for your (as always) honest reply and extremely good points. It gave me a lot of insight. To answer the questions, his GF and I have met many times and while I do find her attractive, I never had any intention of a threesome with them. That was Ethan's suggestion and I just went...
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    Settling In

    So, I’m back with yet another question for you all’s expertise. As you know, I’m bi and my husband Adam and I have been open sexually for many years. I’ve had multiple casual encounters with both men and women. However, Ethan (my bf) is the first time I’ve wandered into poly and he is also bi...
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    Settling In

    Thank you, Galagirl, for taking the time to reply. It all makes perfect sense and is extremely helpful. I guess I was just caught off guard when all of the sudden I started getting interrogated over a weekend trip, when Adam knows Ethan and I have sex. I think you’re right on the boundary and...
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    Settling In

    So, Ethan and I took our close in vaca this weekend while Adam was visiting family (as previously mentioned, I was never intended to attend said family event). It was a great time and then when we got home, I was thrilled to pick Adam up at the airport. Unfortunately, it started testy and...
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    The L Word :) in Newish Poly Relationships

    Thank you so much for your extremely thorough replies and for sharing your experiences. It sounds like I was in fact overthinking things. I’ll hold tight on having any such conversations with Adam on it. Thanks again and have a great week :)
  9. X

    The L Word :) in Newish Poly Relationships

    So I’m back with a new one. I (Liam) spent the night Friday with my boyfriend (Ethan) who I’ve been seeing for a couple months. While doing so, my husband (Adam) was spending the night at our place with his boyfriend (Dave). Worked out nicely. Ethan and I had a low key night, had a bottle of...
  10. X

    How long did you wait to become friends with your ex?

    Not that I'm particularly qualified to answer this one, but I'll just share some experience. My husband is the only long-term relationship I've ever been in. (He's 13 years older than me and we met when I was 20.) But he had had a few long-term partners before we met. A couple of them have...
  11. X

    Settling In

    Well, we worked out the vaca situation quite well. :) Rather than a full-fledged international getaway, Ethan and I will be taking a weekend road trip to San Antonio instead. And it works out very well because it’s a weekend Adam will be out of town for a family event that we never intended for...
  12. X

    Settling In

    Thanks Magdlyn. Kind of what I was thinking. Too much too soon. I like the idea of a more local vacay for a weekend instead. Thank you.
  13. X

    Settling In

    So, after conversations with both, particularly leaning on the advice I’ve gotten from experts on here, things are really starting to smooth out. They’ve made their peace that they both go to the same establishment for Friday night happy hour (hard to say one or the other shouldn’t because all...
  14. X

    Settling In

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share the progression of your journey. Gives me so much incite moving forward. Adam and I had dinner last night before I headed over to Ethan’s and I had him read this post. I suggested we throttle back the social setting temporarily for both he and...
  15. X

    Settling In

    Thanks, Bobbi. That's why I love this site. All of that makes perfect sense, but aren't nuances that had crossed my mind. For example, since I don't have issues with my metas (and don't work with either of them), I didn't think about how parallel in the beginning and easing in would be better...
  16. X

    Settling In

    Thank you, Magdlyn, for your always honest and inciteful response. I think you're right in everything you said. I think I have to leave this to them and stay out of any of it. I tend to have a "solver" personality, and in this case, I think that may backfire on me if I try and get in the...
  17. X

    Settling In

    So, it’s been a bit since I’ve posted, so to refresh, people will remember that my husband (Adam) and I (Liam) started our poly journey last fall. It was originally thought that just Adam would date outside, but in the end we agreed to more of a throuple situation with a guy Adam met (Braden)...
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    Committed foursome (MF/MF)

    I don’t know if this will be a helpful comment, but my husband and I (M/M) had an unofficial (but known by our friends, as they called us the quad) relationship with another (M/M) couple before we’d even heard the term poly or knew anything about it. We’ll call me Liam and my hubby is Adam. The...
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    Moving too fast?

    Hey Kevin, yeah, thanks for the point of clarification. The agreement is definitely still that either of us can have other partners. And you are totally right that Adam is being supportive. That said, I would be thrilled if Adam met someone tomorrow who fit his fancy. I guess I'm just...
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    Moving too fast?

    Ethan and I talked at happy hour tonight and he asked if we’d possibly “come to the minute yet (see above for reference lol).” His GF is traveling for work next week (they prefer to do dates when they’re geographically separated and she travels to Las Vegas for work about every other week) and...