Aargh. Some posts get through and others don't??


New member
I'm not understanding why some of my posts/threads get published right away while others say a moderator has to approve them?? What gives??
Probably has something to do with you posting the same thing over and over, the system thinks you're spamming it.

How about posting ONE thread and letting people respond to it all in one place, instead of starting a new thread every few minutes or every hour with the same exact content? You are not going to get people to respond any faster by just posting and posting. Also, if you don't like the answers you get, posting the same questions about the same situation in a new thread is not going to fool anyone into giving you different answers than the ones they gave the first time.

Hope that helps.
Sorry. I only posted a duplicate thread because I thought it would post that time when the other one wouldn't. The moderator said the system flags long posts and that's why it didn't go through. Any idea how to delete the duplicate post?
I can delete your duplicate posts after 12 hours. Otherwise you can before that time. Please be patient and realize that your posts are indeed caught in a spam catching sweep. We do get to them eventually and unlock them.

Thanks. :)