Article: Polyamorous relationships may be the future of love

It's always good to see polyamory getting some good press.
I do like polyamory getting good press, especially from a source like the BBC. However, and I've mentioned this before, I do think that articles that use certain language like, "Polyamory may be the future of love" or of relationships, or whatever, are a bit needlessly sensationalistic.

The thing is, I don't honestly believe that poly is ever going to be what MOST people want to do. And I don't have a problem with that! I just want people to generally accept that love and life come in many shapes and colors and sizes and there is no need to be judgmental or feel threatened by that which is different. It's okay if people have a different idea of what "happy" looks like.

I think when articles say, "This strange thing that you normal folks don't really see or get, well, it's THE FUTURE! So you had better get used to it!"... it's poking the "be afraid of this scary unknown!" button. It's a common feature of clickbait articles. Sensationalistic title line.

Besides, it's not "the future." It's now. It's here. People are doing it.

I wouldn't be fussing about this, except this isn't the only article that I've seen that did this. They float around on Facebook from time to time.
As already stated, it is refreshing to see polyamory getting positive press.

I would like to think that change, in terms of public perception of polyamory, is on the horizon. However, considering how long it took to legalize same-sex marriage, it's a far, far away horizon.

I do believe economics will be a driving force in the general acceptance.

Then there are the social and current work life trends, which will also figure in to impact acceptance. The younger working generations plan to build a significant portfolio of jobs within their career, rather than the historical "30 years+ and a pension." As blended families are already generally accepted, I can certainly see the pathway to social acceptance for poly families.

I've always believed that "family" is what we make it. The requirement of "blood related" is an outdated paradigm that no longer fits well in the modern ideal of following one's interests. It seem more "natural" to share ourselves with those who share our interests and passions. Or, put simply, where we come from is not as important as where we are trying to go.