Bakon's trip


New member
Note: all commentary and advice can be considered solicited in this thread. If I wasn't willing to talk about it, I wouldn't post it.

So, some of you may recognize me from Reddit recently. Going to retell the story with a little more detail since I'm less concerned about bot scraping on here.

Note that

I'm a 22 year old Accounting major going for my Masters and CPA license. I had a few elective credit hours to cover so I went for a music appreciation class. Well, part of the requirements is to attend two "live musical events" each semester and write a paper on them.

While you can technically use any sort of concert for this, it's cheaper to go to the ones on campus. We are broke college students. We use the campus concerts. Anyway,. I was planning to go with a couple acquaintances from the class. When I brought it up at a lunch we were having together they broke the news to me that this generally seen as a "date" event. Which was a bit of a problem as I hadn't had a girlfriend in a while. It might be a bit immature, but it is quite uncomfortable to be the single person in a couples event.

I was considering my options for either getting someone to go with me or outright switching events when one of the guys nudged me and pointed out Khloe. She's another student in the class, and he didn't think she had a boyfriend to go with herself. Well, okay, I won't be going MORE alone if I get shot down so why not? I grab my stuff and walk over, and ask her and her friend if they mind if I sit with them for a bit. They wave me in and we make the normal round of introductions as I had never met Hazel before and chat a bit.

After a bit of ice breaking, I ask if she wants to go to the concert with me, explaining that I didn't want to be the weird single guy there. She hesitates, then asks if Hazel can go along with us. I shrug and go "The more the merrier." I'm figuring that she wants to have a friend rather than being out with a relative stranger. We make plans to go out for a meal and go to the concert afterwards. We could have eaten at campus dining but very little is safe for formal clothing there.

Day of the event comes, I dig out my suit and grab a little stuffed animal and bouquet for each of them-yellow roses for Khloe and yellow lilies for Hazel-after making sure that neither of them were allergic. We meet up at the restaurant and they seemed to like the bouquets, which did help a lot in getting me over my nervousness. And then something amazing happened: we had a great time! I'm not a super social person so that actually surprised me a lot. In the restaurant the conversation was good and easy and at the concert we were all enjoying it.

After the concert was genuinely one of the funniest moments of my life. I found my friends in the crowd in the lobby. The ladies had gone to the restrooms so I was alone for the moment when I went up to chat. The guys introduced me to their dates, then asked if asking Khloe had gone poorly and I had ended up coming alone after all. I waved off their concern and told them it went great and that I was just waiting for my group while they used the facilities. We keep talking until I suddenly feel my arms get grabbed. Khloe had grabbed one side while Hazel had grabbed the other and come in close. One of the girlfriends asked who they were and Hazel said "We're his dates."

I desperately wish I had a camera for that moment. All of their faces were priceless, a mix of flabbergasted and befuddled beyond all comprehension. Honestly, even if nothing else had come from the entire situation, THAT would have been worth it! Once we got done laughing at them I made my introductions and clarified the situation. We ended up hanging out for a while outside until the couples left, and made plans to meet so Khloe and I could write our papers.

When we did, it was surprisingly enjoyable. I'm not much of a writer myself, preferring numbers to words and analysis to emotional interpretation, but it was honestly a good time talking about what we had noticed in the concert. Khloe is a very poetic writer and Hazel is something of an inveterate kibitzer. It took a couple hours and afterwards I suggested that we go out to the bowling alley for a bite to eat and a game or two. We went out and by the end of it, Hazel had suggested trading numbers so we could keep on meeting up. Cool, I was down.

So we've been hanging around for most of the semester, both doing both school and fun stuff together. Even on the more miserable projects, I had less stress than normal. And on the more fun times, it was great, not the least because they didn't mind doing a broad array of things instead of always doing the same thing. It was happy.

Which brings me to Christmas break. I'm getting ready to head back home, but we decided to go out one more time as the town around the college was having a Christmas event. I had always enjoyed Silver Bells back home but hadn't been since I had started college so I missed it. We were having fun, but even I started to feel that there was tension. Finally we sat down by the Civil War statue and I asked what was going on.

They gave each other looks. That immediately raised my tension because it means that there is trouble and I've missed it. That has happened a lot to me unfortunately; I tend to miss hints or deeper meanings. Khloe started to say something but stopped so Hazel stepped in and asked if I knew they were bi.

I'm a little confused and a lot shocked by this particular turn in the conversation. "No? I hadn't really been worried about it."

Khloe giggles nervously(?) and starts explaining that they were not just friends but a couple. I had entirely missed this somehow. It did give me an idea of where this conversation was going though. I had had a couple of friend groups where members had paired off and decided that they needed more them time. I figure that I'm about to be given the third wheel talk and shrug. It was a good time while it lasted, you know?

And then Hazel managed to rock me from an ENTIRELY different direction: "We've talked it over, and if you're open to it, we want you to join us. Otherwise we can just stay friends!"

Now. I'm not one for outbursts of emotions in the first place. I tend to freeze to try to process things rather than taking rash actions. This shut me down the same way a sledgehammer shuts down a laptop. Which is apparently a concerning reaction but once I got responsive and reassured them I wasn't mad or anything, we had a long and serious talk. I asked for some time think about things; I never even considered the idea before this and didn't want to jump in impulsively. Partially because I was very worried that it would be my hormones making the decision for me.

I have talked to a couple of my siblings about the situation and they have given some advice but I don't think they really believe me. Which...fair. Not exactly Don Juan here.

I also posted from a throwaway account on Reddit Nonmonogamy. This has been significantly more helpful. Some people pointed out things that I hadn't even thought about and helped me focus my thoughts and make up my mind on what to do next. When I get back I'm going to take them up on the offer and have an actual date with the both of them and have the talk about how this is going to work. Then assuming that everything goes well, I'm going to take Khloe and Hazel out on individual dates.

I'm intending to use this space as a journal of sorts of my journey through extremely unfamiliar territory. I don't know what's coming but I intend to be as real as possible. I'm hoping that this doesn't end with "Well THAT was a mistake" but who knows? I guess we'll see.

A bit about me: I'm an accounting major from a conservative background. I come from a decently sized immediate family and a very large extended family. I do want a family of my own, something that I did talk to Hazel and Khloe about. I really haven't had any contact with the poly or gay lifestyle. I'm certainly no kind of experienced lover, my longest relationship was a month and never got beyond making out.

Trust me, I am fully aware that I know nothing.

Welcome to Bakon's trip: called that because I'm still not certain that this isn't the result of me getting the wrong mushroom when I was cooking.
Hello Bakon,

This sounds to me like quite a promising situation, and I think my vote would be to go ahead and pursue it, with a cautious mindset of course. Thanks for sharing your story (in more detail).

Kevin T.
How long have Hazel and Khloe been a couple? I don’t know if anyone on Reddit mentioned unicorn hunting to you; you three aren’t quite the standard situation for that but depending on the length of the relationship there might be some dynamics there that make that relevant - the part where you’re already talking about individual dates is a good sign for that though!! Otherwise, I’d say have fun - you’re 22, I don’t think I’d worry too much about the wanting to have a family part yet.
How long have Hazel and Khloe been a couple?
Quite a while-I didn't ask specifics but at least since last spring semester.
I don’t know if anyone on Reddit mentioned unicorn hunting to you; you three aren’t quite the standard situation for that but depending on the length of the relationship there might be some dynamics there that make that relevant - the part where you’re already talking about individual dates is a good sign for that though!!
I feel that there has to be some kind of joke possible about being a male unicorn.

More seriously, I have run across the term in Mt research. It's something to think about, but I feel that if you are in a relationship where you feel like you are giving up more of your identity than you are willing to, there are probably other issues as well. It feels like an evolution of the more traditional issue of being taken for granted.
Otherwise, I’d say have fun - you’re 22, I don’t think I’d worry too much about the wanting to have a family part yet.
Hmm. This is one area where I had to clarify myself then too. I'm not saying that this has to be...I was about to say the one...forever. If it turns out to not quite be right, I'm not going to go out and desperately throw myself into a relationship or anything similar. On the other hand though, I want to know that at least the potential for it to be right, you know? I have an idea of what I want in life and where I want to go.

If this is forever, great! If it's not, I'll be fine. But the last thing I want is to turn love into a cheap thrill. Might be a little too serious for some, but I am what I am.

...also it is hilarious how different expectations are depending on who you talk to. Church people expect me to be married or at least committed already, high school and college friends think I'm weird for still being a virgin, some of my cousins are convinced I'm in the closet and living a double life, and the internet insists I have all the time in the world.:)
I just think it's funny you said you are better with numbers than words, and yet write a long first post that sounds like a unusually racy young adult novella's first chapter.
I just think it's funny you said you are better with numbers than words, and yet write a long first post that sounds like a unusually racy young adult novella's first chapter.
I don't think I've ever had someone say I write like a romance novel.

Edit: Honestly, I feel a little flattered.
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Good luck, try not to let the nervousness get to you too much.
Alright, date went well, mostly a lot of talking and wandering around in a butterfly garden near campus. (I love that place. If you like peaceful areas with decent walks, try a butterfly garden.) We ended up working out a few different things, both in terms of what we were cool with in terms of one on one time (try not to make anyone feel left out), and in terms of what we were going to be going forward (full trinity relationship).

And now I am making a belated New Year's resolution to go to the gym. Being a library nerd means not being in great shape, who knew? The good news is that we will be working out together on Tuesdays and Fridays! The bad news is...well I have done some physical hobbies before, but never formal routines. Gonna have to figure this out.
Thanks for that update, it sounds like things are mostly looking up. That's good to hear.
So, Hazel and I went out on our first individual date! There's a place near us with a bunch of rock walls and a central boulder to climb. I think hazel was nervous at first making her talk very quickly, but she relaxed pretty quick when she started climbing. I must admit, belaying does have a major upside. Those harnesses grip firmly. Anyway, we had a good time the whole night.

Then came the next morning and Khloe. I think there was a couple of moments of awkwardness, but overall it was a success! I think it helped that we just hung out on Sunday and relaxed together. Watched some old Jackie Chan movies so that was fun.

As a note: starting a fairly complicated relationship  juuuust as senior projects start coming due and an internship needs to be found is definitely a decision that one can make. I don't regret it, but college is certainly trying to make me regret it.

Also, has anyone else let someone know what kind of relationship you are in and they immediately got  way too curious? I'm very open, but was creeped out.
Oef! Hope you find a way to balance it all.

I'm generally open to everyone. The only part that is TMI is sex stuff and personal stories shared in confidence.
Oef! Hope you find a way to balance it all.

I'm generally open to everyone. The only part that is TMI is sex stuff and personal stories shared in confidence.
Yeah, that was the problem. I honestly haven't ever cared about privacy or embarrassment, but turns out I have some lines. Weirdly, I'm fine with the idea of talking about me, but describing Hazel or Khloe seems weird and gives me anxiety.
Yeah, that was the problem. I honestly haven't ever cared about privacy or embarrassment, but turns out I have some lines. Weirdly, I'm fine with the idea of talking about me, but describing Hazel or Khloe seems weird and gives me anxiety.
Anyone that wants to know sex details, be it a friend, a stranger or a partner, needs to understand that's personal. Even if you have sex one-on-one with one partner, you need their permission to tell details about it to your other partner.

FMF triads (or at least threesome sex) are the most common male fantasy. (In fact, that's why I thought you were writing fiction, to get attention for describing/elaborating on this fantasy.) So I'm not surprised someone wanted to know TMI details.