I'm glad to see others who believe that attempts to "hide" nonmonogamy are counterproductive, & likely doomed. That sentiment often pisses people off, especially those who don't yet have kids.
A common belief: "we're going to hide it from him until he's old enough to understand." Hah; quick,
pick an age!! Will he be "ready" at 3? 7? 12? 19? 24? 47? 65?
Plenty are hiding their lifestyle from adult kids they don't even see much.
If anyone NEEDS to "protect the child" with that much fervor, then it's an easy fix:
put your proverbial dicks back in your pants until the kids are ENTIRELY out of harm's way. Anyone who offers THAT canard then decides to step past monogamy anyway is clearly talking out their ass.
I contend (& have seen borne out) that people confident they can hide ANYTHING from any moderately unimpaired child WILL eventually get bit on the butt by their own arrogance.
As often (maybe moreso) is the recognition (buried in favor of the PC rationale) that small children can't be totally relied upon to not inadvertantly "out" you.
The Bad News --
neither can teenagers, who have been known to be insane beings & will happily blab the deepest family secrets if you piss 'em off, which happens a few times a day.
Not that you can 100% trust all your friends. Or your co-workers. Or the relatives you come out to "in confidence."
My children grew up in a household where other
people were a regular feature, much like my upbringing. We had overnight guests & short-term roommates all the time, most nonsexual. And we had people with whom we were quite cuddly but not sexually involved, & seeming casual friends who were frequent sex partners.
In general, people simply need to do two things that polynoobs aren't good at: settle down, & use common sense.