Oh lort, why can't unicorns be bi males as well as bi females?I heard a new one today: Dragon
In a brief google search, evidently it applies to a bi-sexual male, for which an established couple is looking. Does anyone have any additional information on the definition of a dragon?
in a similar situation as Sarah. I inadvertently confuse people all the time, talking about my "boyfriend" and my "husband" in the same conversation lol. I think it just depends on what makes you all comfortable. If people are close enough with me to know details of my relationships, then they have already found out organically and there isn't any confusion. I feel like I'm married to both of my partners, but calling them both my husbands sounds like some slant of sister wives that I'm not into lolHi all. I'm new to the forum and this is my first post. I'd like some advice on terms used by you all to describe your relationship to others.
My situation is this. I'm male and living with a female (call her Sarah) who is married to another male (call him Rick). Sarah and Rick have been married for 6 years and until last year lived with each other as husband and wife (and were comfortable referring to each other in those terms). Sarah still has a loving intimate relationship with Rick but last year moved out to live with me. We are now a Vee, with Rick and myself as the arms and Sarah as the pivot/hinge.
Referring to Sarah as my "partner" doesn't quite seem right as this doesn't quite capture the relationship. And Sarah doesn't feel right referring to Rick simply as her "husband", given that she lives with someone else. Sarah could refer to both myself and Rick as her co-primaries, but this is rather prosaic. Is anyone else in a similar situation? Have you found words that communicate the nature of your relationships in a way you're happy with?
many thanks!
It seems someone thought 'unicorn' was too soft, so they had to butch it up. lolOh lort, why can't unicorns be bi males as well as bi females?
Triad is a preferred word as it represents 3 autonomous people in a relationship. Throuple is a couple that "adds a third" to their relationship and is suggestive of one couple having privilege over the added partner.Can someone provide me the definition of throuple?
Thank you.