Looking for community in New Mexico


New member

I have been openly poly for the past few years and recently I've found that I'm missing community here in Albuquerque, NM. Can anyone suggest meetups, groups or event for the polyamory community in Albuquerque?

Thank you đź–¤
Hello queen_noir,

Albuquerque (and Santa Fe) used to have (a) group/s with monthly meetups. However, I don't know if maybe the Covid pandemic killed those meetups. Try googling "Albuquerque polyamory," and see if a group comes up. If nothing comes up, try googling "Santa Fe polyamory." If neither of those searches yield anything, I fear that you may be out of luck (unless you want to try for something out of state -- Colorado or Texas). You can also try googling "New Mexico polyamory."

Kevin T.
There used to be a guy here from NM called "River" but he last posted near the beginning of the pandemic. You can cruise his post history. There might be something useful to you in it.
Probably not, the Santa Fe group is probably the only one in the state.