This may be a long one as it's been almost a year of confusion & trying to navigate a dynamic I feel I was rushed into.
For backstory, I prompted my fiance 9 months ago about potentially opening up into a poly relationship - I'm bisexual, have never explored sapphic connections & my partner is intensely work focused & I thought it'd be a nice opportunity to go on dates & enjoy the company of other connections while still maintaining a 5 year relationship that I care about.
We agreed to start dipping our toes in with dating apps, talking to people & we mentioned a couple boundaries: letting one another know if we're having someone over (I'm an introvert & I'd like the opportunity to opt out of a social situation & go elsewhere if I'm not feeling up to it), nobody in our bedroom (maintaining a single private space that is just ours), spending more mindful QUALITY time, wearing condoms/protection with any sexual connections and regular STD/STI testing. I also asked that he let me know if there's anyone of note, not every conversation but if there's anyone he's progressed past the apps with, intend to meet in person, etc. We're hoping for kitchen table poly & being able to be friends with potential metas.
Well, within a couple weeks I was hanging out on discord with someone I'd met & was casually talking to & my partner was hanging out with us, briefly mentioned his 'friend' whose name I'd never heard of before & i just brushed it off. The next day he decided to tell me he'd connected with someone & i said I'd figured but it would've been nice if he'd brought her up like this to start, instead of dropping it on me in a situation where we couldn't talk more about it.
Fast forward a couple weeks, my partner has a gig with his band that I've planned to go to in advance with a friend. He tells me the weekend before that the girl he's talking to is coming and it'll be not only his first time meeting her in person but now me as well. I told him I'd preferred he'd let me know he was planning to invite her so we could've communicated whether I was at the comfort level to meet a potential romantic connection of his - keep in mind we're less than a month into poly. I went regardless and met her, everything went well.
I had to ask him if they were official the next month in order to get confirmation that their relationship had progressed past friendly. She lives with her parents 30 mins away and I found out offhand one day shortly after that that she was viewing an apartment in our city - didn't even know she was looking for her own place let alone looking local. He told me they were holding off on sexual intimacy to start & I told him given our sex life had not been given a lot of care & effort over the last few years, that that may be a good opportunity for us to repair that insecure part of our relationship before they took that step - as I felt like if he had 'no sex drive' for me, but had that energy for somebody else, it would cause some jealousy. He proceeded to ignore that for just over a month until I found a condom wrapper in our living room while I was cleaning. I mentioned that that was a bit of an insensitive way for me to find out & that now I feel exactly how I articulated I would. I came home a few weeks later to her at my house with no heads up. Once again, I articulated that a heads up would've been appreciated as we had been interacting with poly connections all weekend and I was burnt out.
Found out from her this week that she's found her own place & is moving. Immediately panicked that she was moving here in town. I'm glad I asked her for further info and found out she's moving closer to her work office before getting antsy. I feel like this changes the dynamic because he'll be here less with her over the weekends & in the city more staying over, extending their amount of quality time - but he still hasn't told me. He also texts her all day long while he's at work & at home but can't put his phone down to focus on quality time when he's with me. I don't give him shit any day we're both at home unless we're purposefully spending time together because I understand as a NP I see him every day and she doesnt. I don't text him when they're together because I feel like that's respectful of their one on one time. I've articulated several times that I would like the same respect & that it is not her responsibility to maintain that boundary, but his. Her & I get along just fine and I like her, I hate that any reservations I may have will punish her in the process as she's done nothing wrong.
I feel like maybe I'm asking for too much when it comes to the communication level, but I also feel like this has progressed at a break neck pace without any opportunity for us to articulate discomfort or ask to take a beat & adjust to the change in dynamic, since any changes in the dynamic have not been communicated. I feel like I've articulated my needs & boundaries clearly & have had them stepped on & ignored.
He does tell me about their relationship, but it's things I don't need to know about or create jealousy rather than compersion - like telling me she's been secretly practicing a game him & I play without telling him in order to get better at it so they can play together (fine, but also, we don't play those games anymore despite my asking & suggesting we do) him telling me that she called off things with another guy because he started to feel insecure that the new guy was physically more her type (I've been going on dates with both men & women for 9 months & he has not once felt insecure about my activities) or him telling me she's afraid I'm going to 'pull the rug out from under them' by changing my mind about poly (which has prevented me these months from feeling like I have a say in continuing this).
Fundamentally, it's his choice. I just feel like my poly experience has been just entirely awful, through no fault of his girlfriend, & now my choices are either lose a 6 year relationship or put up with a poly dynamic that is hurtful & is never going to change.
Any advice or insight into this would be amazing. I post on Facebook groups for Polyamoury & receive judgement for 'comparing' our relationships; but the fact is, needs are being met in one relationship while those same needs are being begged for and ignored in the other. It's not fair & it does not create security and safety in my relationship, especially since he has not pursued looking for or dating any other connections and she has dated minimally as well - making me feel like perhaps they do want monogamy & I'M the one that's going to have the rug pulled out.
Thank you for reading all this. I'm so lost and scared I've made a mistake.
For backstory, I prompted my fiance 9 months ago about potentially opening up into a poly relationship - I'm bisexual, have never explored sapphic connections & my partner is intensely work focused & I thought it'd be a nice opportunity to go on dates & enjoy the company of other connections while still maintaining a 5 year relationship that I care about.
We agreed to start dipping our toes in with dating apps, talking to people & we mentioned a couple boundaries: letting one another know if we're having someone over (I'm an introvert & I'd like the opportunity to opt out of a social situation & go elsewhere if I'm not feeling up to it), nobody in our bedroom (maintaining a single private space that is just ours), spending more mindful QUALITY time, wearing condoms/protection with any sexual connections and regular STD/STI testing. I also asked that he let me know if there's anyone of note, not every conversation but if there's anyone he's progressed past the apps with, intend to meet in person, etc. We're hoping for kitchen table poly & being able to be friends with potential metas.
Well, within a couple weeks I was hanging out on discord with someone I'd met & was casually talking to & my partner was hanging out with us, briefly mentioned his 'friend' whose name I'd never heard of before & i just brushed it off. The next day he decided to tell me he'd connected with someone & i said I'd figured but it would've been nice if he'd brought her up like this to start, instead of dropping it on me in a situation where we couldn't talk more about it.
Fast forward a couple weeks, my partner has a gig with his band that I've planned to go to in advance with a friend. He tells me the weekend before that the girl he's talking to is coming and it'll be not only his first time meeting her in person but now me as well. I told him I'd preferred he'd let me know he was planning to invite her so we could've communicated whether I was at the comfort level to meet a potential romantic connection of his - keep in mind we're less than a month into poly. I went regardless and met her, everything went well.
I had to ask him if they were official the next month in order to get confirmation that their relationship had progressed past friendly. She lives with her parents 30 mins away and I found out offhand one day shortly after that that she was viewing an apartment in our city - didn't even know she was looking for her own place let alone looking local. He told me they were holding off on sexual intimacy to start & I told him given our sex life had not been given a lot of care & effort over the last few years, that that may be a good opportunity for us to repair that insecure part of our relationship before they took that step - as I felt like if he had 'no sex drive' for me, but had that energy for somebody else, it would cause some jealousy. He proceeded to ignore that for just over a month until I found a condom wrapper in our living room while I was cleaning. I mentioned that that was a bit of an insensitive way for me to find out & that now I feel exactly how I articulated I would. I came home a few weeks later to her at my house with no heads up. Once again, I articulated that a heads up would've been appreciated as we had been interacting with poly connections all weekend and I was burnt out.
Found out from her this week that she's found her own place & is moving. Immediately panicked that she was moving here in town. I'm glad I asked her for further info and found out she's moving closer to her work office before getting antsy. I feel like this changes the dynamic because he'll be here less with her over the weekends & in the city more staying over, extending their amount of quality time - but he still hasn't told me. He also texts her all day long while he's at work & at home but can't put his phone down to focus on quality time when he's with me. I don't give him shit any day we're both at home unless we're purposefully spending time together because I understand as a NP I see him every day and she doesnt. I don't text him when they're together because I feel like that's respectful of their one on one time. I've articulated several times that I would like the same respect & that it is not her responsibility to maintain that boundary, but his. Her & I get along just fine and I like her, I hate that any reservations I may have will punish her in the process as she's done nothing wrong.
I feel like maybe I'm asking for too much when it comes to the communication level, but I also feel like this has progressed at a break neck pace without any opportunity for us to articulate discomfort or ask to take a beat & adjust to the change in dynamic, since any changes in the dynamic have not been communicated. I feel like I've articulated my needs & boundaries clearly & have had them stepped on & ignored.
He does tell me about their relationship, but it's things I don't need to know about or create jealousy rather than compersion - like telling me she's been secretly practicing a game him & I play without telling him in order to get better at it so they can play together (fine, but also, we don't play those games anymore despite my asking & suggesting we do) him telling me that she called off things with another guy because he started to feel insecure that the new guy was physically more her type (I've been going on dates with both men & women for 9 months & he has not once felt insecure about my activities) or him telling me she's afraid I'm going to 'pull the rug out from under them' by changing my mind about poly (which has prevented me these months from feeling like I have a say in continuing this).
Fundamentally, it's his choice. I just feel like my poly experience has been just entirely awful, through no fault of his girlfriend, & now my choices are either lose a 6 year relationship or put up with a poly dynamic that is hurtful & is never going to change.
Any advice or insight into this would be amazing. I post on Facebook groups for Polyamoury & receive judgement for 'comparing' our relationships; but the fact is, needs are being met in one relationship while those same needs are being begged for and ignored in the other. It's not fair & it does not create security and safety in my relationship, especially since he has not pursued looking for or dating any other connections and she has dated minimally as well - making me feel like perhaps they do want monogamy & I'M the one that's going to have the rug pulled out.
Thank you for reading all this. I'm so lost and scared I've made a mistake.