My wife is poly and I love it


New member
My wife and I have been married for six years. It is the second for both. I am 58 and she is 43. We had been together for 12 years before we got married. Many of the years we were together, even while still married to others, we cheated on one another. This may sound strange but I actually always enjoyed the sexual parts of her affairs but hated the lying and BS that went with it. I also cheated on her but can't say I really enjoyed it too much for the same reasons.

Last year, with my support and encouragement, we decided she could do anything she wanted. At first it was just going to be sex, we even did swinging together but found it to be soul-less. She now has three lovers. I know them all and even play golf with one of them. She is not ready for me to have other loves too but I don't mind. I can't begin to tell you how free I feel now that I have shed the green-eyed monster. We are more deeply in love than ever, so much so that I am not threatened by her increasing closeness and familiarity with her other men.

I love seeing her this happy and I really love being free. We have incredible sex and she is always solicitous of my feelings and especially affectionate. She says she hopes to get to the place I am, too, but I told her no rush. I don't really know if I want another relationship. I definitely don't need one. ;)
That is the happiest thing I read all day!
Hi all ...

This is Del5158's wife. Once we embraced expansive loving, I found that my relationship to D rose to an even more profound, trancendant place than I ever could have dreamed. It is not just sex for me, it is a way of being, and it has made my life and committed married relationship to D deeper and complete beyond words.
Oh its cool you are on here also! This so rocks for you two! It makes me happy to know others are happy!:)
Happiness is a warm wife

It is minus 8 degrees here in Massachusetts but warm in our house. We're happy that you're happy too, Ohio Girl. Dellapeach came home from a date last night bursting with NRE and made me very happy!
Welcome happy newcomers! I'm in Mass too and it is f---ing cold, but so nice to be warm in successful poly relationships!
Wow! It's great that your heart is so open. I also find great peace in witnessing the love my husband has for another woman. I don't understand it, or even feel the need to. But it's like I am surrounded by love and instead of feeling threatened by their love, I am comforted by it. I don't know if I would be as selfless as you are though. You are lucky to have eachother!
Hi Del,
I loved your story. I am quite new here and have to say im enjoying the Forum. The relationship you have with your wife is the very type of relationship I would like to share with someone (the right someone). Until very recently I never really knew what it was that was seeking until i stumbled upon this site. Now i can actually give it a label, even though i am quite opposed to putting things in pidgeon holes.
Thank you for sharing it
Hey we are 58 and 43 too, my husband and I! Married 12 years. Just opened up to a poly lifestyle on 10/10/10. It's been a lot of work so far; the lows are really LOW, but the peaks have been incredibly WORTH IT! We have definitely gone deeper in our love for one another. And I have finally been able to express the love I had been fighting for 4 years! Wow, I have a boyfriend, it's so cool to say that, and not have to lose my beloved husband or my family over it. I know I now have my cake and I'm eating it too, and it is both a lovely work of art AND delicious!
Welcome :)
So far so good

Hi Carma

We both just read your post because we haven't been on this site for a few days. What an amazing coincidence. We have been going along really smoothly and have eliminated the lows as you call them. My wife saw both of her lovers this week and enjoyed both"dates," as we call them, immensely. I am beyond jealousy because of our total honesty, her constant reassurance that I am the love of her life, and, of course, our great sex. It may not always work and we may stop at some point but it is working great for us now. We wish you and your husband and "friends" the same success. ;)

Would you please tell us about the relationship between you and your metamour the one you play with golf. Thank you

Would you please tell us about the relationship between you and your metamour the one you play with golf. Thank you
Mod note: this thread is from 2011. Please check dates before posting. Necromancing threads is extremely unlikely to get responses from the original poster.
It's encouraging that Del5158 was so open and understanding of his wife having other partners. Hopefully this will encourage other people who come across this thread.
Unfortunately, Carma‘s story didn’t end as a happy work of art, with her having her cake and eating it too. As I recall, it got very ugly during the divorce process. Apparently he stored up quite a lot of resentment and she had brought it upon herself.