The definition of self constantly changes and I prefer the attempts to define myself rather than allowing others to define myself for me, but I have fallen deep into the pit of peer definitions and need to search for who I am again. I wish to do this within the relationship, but I wish to be able to define the relationship more so than having the relationship define me. I am content being in a healthy, loving, supportive relationship but as the days pass by my primary and I seem to bicker more and more, because our opinions of life have become to differ, finances are stressed, and our girlfriend (while she has her own life and responsibilities) only truly has eyes for the boy. Sort of an "A loves B and C, B loves A and C, C only loves B." This is how I humbly feel. I feel as if I am the one making more of the effort in the relationship with her than she is with me. I feel as if I am going to explode, and I'm feeling angry, lost, and hurt, and as if my world has started to crash down. I sometimes feel that if I stepped away life would continue on without me as if I had never existed in the first place but I know that my boyfriend really would not see it like that, and I really do enjoy life with him in it. Having her there has enriched my life but I want more out of life than just home. I want to live, to experience, to become further educated, to travel, to make new friends, I feel guilty when I make new friends whether girls or guys. I feel as if I have to hide the fact that I might want to go out of the house sometimes. I feel guilty for talking on the phone to other boys or have to explain myself when I talk on the phone to my best girl friends. I don't know how we got here. The insecurities start to add up. Does he feel as if he is cheating on me? I am like a cat, sometimes I like to be petted and other times I want to be left alone to explore the world on my own. I am young. I am adventurous, and I am tired of just sitting around. My heart is connected to many but my relationship is with these two. I'm not looking for random sex hook-ups, I'm not looking for other boyfriends or girlfriends, but my heart has connections which I have a lot of my life keeping alive and well, those connections are my friends, my world, and it is hard to bring my whole world together when it feels as if everything is being blown apart.