Well we all have one thing in common on this site, we are all polyamorists. Call it what you may, coincidence, destiny, serendipity, etc, etc, we're all together here in this one place at the same one time. (With teleology telling me, "for a reason") (which you may or may not share.) As polyamorists in this time and space, I perceive that the odds are stacked against us on multiple levels for having and maintaining successful long term relationships, (for today.) That doesn't mean we cannot have successful long term relationships, it just means we are disadvantaged several ways, yet are the trailblazers for those who are going to follow after us down the polyamorist path. There are some certainties for our species as human beings, that without an intervention, the reality is when we individually die, we will all eventually die in our own time, alone. The main questions I have is how we can use what we know to our advantage, to lessen those odds against us collectively. Both Freud and his protege Jung belonged to a group that used Gestalt. ( I did a major comparison study, with a religious polyamorous group vs a secular polyamorous grouping, both operating under a Gestaltian approach, both of which eventually failed and no longer exists. Then compared that result to a plethora of groups under a 12 step Jungian approach, who are not only still around and surviving but growing and thriving as well, suggesting that the Jungian approach and model is a better format to build a stable foundation on, increasing the odds for long term group survival for success, in our favor. Make of it what you will.) Well Freud believed that the concept of God was a delusion of the mind. Jung confronted him on that with a thought. His research concluded that about 98 % of the people he encountered and observed, without prompting, had some form of God consciousness, (whether by nature or by nurture) on a subconscious level, and suggested that spirituality is hardwired into our nature, as human beings. This was made clear by his statements to Freud, Rowland H. and Bill W. plus his teachings. Furthermore, Jung was non-monogamous with multiple paramouri including his wife Emma, Spielrein, and Wolfe. His quip to Freud was this; if God was a delusion of the mind, why would nature imbue us with a thought of a Higher Power, if a Higher Power didn't exist? It took a commodities teacher to bring that thought home to me by teaching us to bring our spirituality into our trading. He suggested that our nature had hardwired us humans with a method to "know" that food and water does indeed exist as an intuitive instinct, even in a desert where neither food nor water exists or would be available, yet we would still "know" it exists by our own hunger and thirst as internal prompts to go searching for it. Since I "know" I exist, and know that I didn't put myself here, I "know" intuitively something intelligent, something greater than me also exists as well. So I use Anthropic principle as a form of reverse engineering to backtrack myself to that source.
TO KEV-> String theory, eh? <g> That Brian Green vid on time had a bunch of experts, several of which I know. I took in 96 lectures from astrophysics prof, Alex Filippenko from Berkeley, (Max Tegmark, MIT professor, was a student of Alex, ) (and Alex also worked with Adam Reiss, discoverer of Dark Energy.) Alan Guth of MIT who plays with bubbles in his basement lab, (and no doubt in his bathtub too<g>.) I've been following the work of Ovrut, Turok, and Steinhardt's work on Brane (M) Theory, merging the five string theories together, also Lisa Randell, Harvard, on M theory as well. I've also done a doctorate level course on Superstring theory under Sylvester (James) Gates, adjunct professor out of the University of Maryland, with a double doctorate in physics and mathematics, who works for DARPA with a team, and is team leader of 3 other doctors of physics and 3 of mathematics. What would you like to know?<g> Since you're following an atheistic path, I'll play devil's advocate and give you a possible source for you to play with. M Theory suggests two Branes collided which caused the Big Bang. I've seen a Minkowski model of two universes created back to back from the same source, like equal and opposite reactions to the Big Bang, which operate similar to the north and south polar jets of a magnetar. It would certainly explain why anti-matter is so rare in this universe, and suggests the other universe could be composed of anti-matter our polar opposite. Furthermore it also follows Gates' work and the model that he shows at the end of his course which looks rather bilateral. Knowing you are from an LDS source, I can certainly understand how traumatic leaving it must have been for you since I did the same thing with a Hebrew Roots type church whose principles seemed compromised and incompatible to to my direction, so I blew them off. (I'm keeping tabs on one Messianic site run by a guy who comes across to me like a violent lunatic, yet he has some interesting and knowledgeable guests, and one of them was Jake Hilton who did a series on the Mormon church, demonstrating the Book of Abraham was a fraud, and if that was so, what about the Book of Mormon? I knew a guy, Walter H. who was polyamorist Mormon from Utah, a regular like me, and guys like Dave Phoenix on the lovingmore chat when Ryam Nearing was in charge of the site. Life wasn't easy for him. Say what you like however, the Mormon community is a strongly knit, wealthy community of a fairly decent natured people, yet highly perfectionistic, so leaving it and its security had to be difficult and overwhelming, even if the community is built on a house of cards. And like Al, I thank you for your service to the polyamorist community.
TO AL-> Strong words, thank you for your input. They were fitting from a certain perspective, yet there's other ways to see it from the perspective of a guy like Tim Mahoney who shows evidence that the major miracle stuff of the OT was real with the Yom Suf crossing occurring at Nuweiba Beach of the Aqaba finger of the Red Sea, with Jabel al Lawz the Mount of Moses. This wouldn't be of interest to Kev, the Thomas of this group, but it may be to you. It still begs the question why a "loving" God would give what some would call 613 impossible laws, unless that was the point to identify the one person who could keep it all and identify him as the Anointed One. As you know, we operate by progress rather than perfection, making me more of a somewhat imperfect perfectionist <g>. Jung, the source of the 3rd and 11th steps, was asked if he believed in a God in a 1961 radio broadcast, he replied, "No, I "know" there is." I initially thought, "How the heck could he "know" there is a God?" I knew from my intuition and by abnormal meiosis, by a reductionist method, as confirmation. So I followed his research, and saw something that even he didn't see, but I did. Ross went further to show via the fine tuning argument, that the source has a personality. It's a pretty good argument, although I question his percentile by just how much smarter than us he is, and found both him and Meyer, although brilliant with the Cambrian Explosion argument, a bit preachy. Tour, one of the top chemists in the world, a Messianic, is utterly brilliant with endless energy, meticulous, is relentless and pure science<g>. Garte on the other hand, a biochemist, makes a more laid back yet great argument as well on the same topic as Tour in regards to chemical evolution. What I do know is that motivation by threat, violence, guilt, fear, shame, control, deception or any other negative means, may work for a while, but not indefinitely. Attraction rather than promotion will work, as you said, love and kindness and a few more positives like patience, tolerance, self-control etc is the Good News and the path forward. A study of Jesus (/ Yeshua's ) life and teachings to which I also aspire, imperfectly so, brought me to place where I caught a subconscious thought that I said from my own self, which locked it in for me, and that was, "Well if he ain't God, then he should be." There's a very popular show, crowd funded, called The Chosen. So far it has 3 seasons in, each with 8 episodes, 24 so far, that is free from both the The Chosen and Angel studios websites, that highlights what I just said. (Don't expect bible rote from it, it's only a show, but it does get across my last statement very strongly.) What would a 14 billion year old super-being who put everything in motion look like in our world with us? That's the surprise, and it ain't the only one. Yeshua is polyamorous, and that is scriptural.