That's a cop-out. You yourself have veered off topic over a dozen times. Is it relevant to near death experiences that you are a so-called sigma? That your partner was molested? Is Jung related to NDEs? If you want to talk Christianity, is that even on the topic? (You brought it up, not me.) If we want to talk about life after death, this veers into religion as well as science. If you want to grasp the attention of people like Al and me, I am pointing out the POV I am working from (and perhaps he is too) in regards to Christianity. If you're not a "churchian," you'd be better off looking at the various Christianities that were prevelant in the first few centuries, before "orthodoxy" was declared and enforced. Valentinianism, Marcionism, Manichaeism, etc. were much more popular than any "pure" 1st century Christianity you imagine, based on apologists like Strobel (not to mention Eusebius and Tertullian of the 3rd century), and the Acts of the Apostles of the canon. I doubt you've read the Gospels of Mary, Judas or Thomas or the Ascension of Isaiah.
In an early post you mention Bible vs Bardo. If you want early canonical stuff, read Paul. He does not know an earthly Christ. Take note that we do not have the complete corpus of Paul, not by a long shot. God only knows what rabbit holes he went down in his other writings.
The gospels were made up to "save the masses." The real message is esoteric, for the enlightened elite. Why would you want to think and read like a literalist child, with all your fancy ideas?
Yes, Carrier is relevant to this thread. You are so intent on telling us all you've figured out, to save us, to enlighten us, because you have such "original ideas." But you haven't even read a whole important swathe of the material of the era in the first place.