Hello Magdlyn,Hey Chantry and Guardian,
Neither of you were derailing this thread. Sharing experiences is what we are all about.
I agree that trying to date as a couple, to find that pesky unicorn, is very common with couples new to poly. It seems to make sense at first, from a couple-centric POV, but it is almost doomed to fail. There are dozens of threads here about triads (the preferred term over throuple) that went wrong.
My ex h and I tried this route back 20+ years ago, and we had a common experience. We found a woman who said she'd be into it, but really, she wasn't into women, and just said she was to get my h and hook him. It wasn't the end of the world, but it was the end of our marriage (which had other problems). 8 years after they met, he and I split. They are still together and mono (he wasn't actually poly, turned out). I've been poly ever since. I now have 2 long-term stable relationships with a partner of each sex. They are only friends with each other, and both have other partners of their own (our "poly network").
Yeah we understand that,. The difference is I KNOW I'm more poly. My first time and first "relationship" was with two women for a few months and I was happy. They taught me all about sex and pleasing a woman. It ended because they were more into each other than me. after a time. Ever since then, I have just been TOO much for one woman. Of course, this shaped my "love map" in a different way. I've never truly had a chance to happily explore that, until now.
My current relationship also agrees that I am just too much for her. My love language is touch and she has sensory issues. Also, my sex drive is just too much. I am just too much for her. My experience over the years actually continually shows this. She is bisexual completely. She knows that we might find a woman who just wants me. The funny thing is, I only truly want this with her, and just her. No woman would be able to pull me away from her. That I am sure of, and that is another reason we want to try this. We also have promised each other that we must talk about all things in regards to this and if things like that start to happen, then we will have to definitely revisit that dynamic.
Its been a long arduous discussion in regards to doing this. Of course, we are being extremely careful to find that one girl that is ultimately interesting to us both. We have fairly high standards. I do not mean physically. But we both have to be attracted to her, which is not as easy as it sounds, of course.
We understand it could test our relationship in a different way, but I highly doubt it will break us apart, because of what we have already faced.