Sleeping Arrangements and Beds: Merged Threads, General Discussion


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I'm just starting to settle into and accept the three-person relationship that's kind of risen up around us without us realising. Now I'm looking for some more practical advice. How the heck do you get three in a bed on a long-term basis?

Two of us are very tall, the other average (I'm 6'9", my bfs are 6'4" and 5'10"), and even with a king-size bed, it's getting to be more and more awkward to sleep three to a bed. We always start off cosy and cuddled, then as we all fall asleep and move around, inevitably you end up with someone perched right at the edge of the bed.

And then, of course, if you happen to be in the middle, you can't exactly get up in the night without waking the others. Is there a slightly more practical solution? None of us can bear to sleep in separate rooms or beds, but we need sleep. lol. How do you guys manage it?

We used to have quilt disputes, but I managed to resolve that with a super-king-sized duvet (yay).

(For the observant person in another thread, yep, Eywa was the spirit of Pandora. Avatar ROCKS!)
I don't have any technical solutions to the threesome bedsharing question, but I can't help wondering whether the two boyfriends are also involved with one another in a loving intimate relationship, and of what kind, and how much they are cuddle-friendly with one another.

What is the largest bed size available on the market? Can you lay out multiple futons on the floor, side-by-side? Maybe layer several?

Oh, wait, all three of you are male! That makes things altogether different from my initial imaginings. So many people to know. I am forgetting details, but I think I've seen you three somewhere before! here online, that is. But a busy life makes for hard remembering. No pun intended!

Okay, now I'm envious. I want two boyfriends, too!
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Yep, all three male. LOL

Just thinking about it, I wonder if we bought two double divan style beds and fixed them together with brackets, would that work? Or a king size and a single, as long as they're the same make/height and fit together.


Hmm... We'd have to have sheets and bedding made, but I guess that's doable.
Doable is close to Double, but this is more Triple than Trouble.

Were I you, I'd just create a large room full of multiply layered futons and let things be. Just fill a room full of pillows and count your blessings.

Thanks, YGirl, for smooshing my multiple posts together. .... Now for a nice cold shower.
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How about a king-size bed, and single duvets? That way you would each have one, can still snuggle, and if the one in the middle needs to get up in the night, there isn't any issue with dealing with duvets. The germans use the single duvet per person arrangement and it works quite well.
Ha! A question I actually have practical advice for! At last sleeping in a big puppy pile becomes useful!

1) Wow, you guys are big! We sleep four people in a California king with no problem. However, at our "other" house, we only have a queen, so we are in the process of purchasing another queen to place next to it. This is a solution we have employed in hotel rooms with no problem, but I know that you can also purchase an adaptor to cover the crack between beds, so no one gets lost or even...eek...pinched.

2) Speaking as the person who gets stuck in the middle, solve the blanket problem by buying multiple blankets and overlapping. Then the person who is in the middle can slip out through the overlap (the person in the middle usually slips out from the middle by sliding out of the end of the bed) and also the person who has to sleep in the middle of the furnace can throw off blankets at will.

As for waking the others, well, that's just a hazard of sleeping so many people together, I think. We have no practical solution for it, which is sad, because I'm up multiple times in the night, so everyone else is, too.
I use to sleep with my two girlfriends in a king-sized bed. One thing that helped was having three blankets, because the person in the middle would get very hot. That way, they can pull their leg out to cool off without having to get out of the blankets entirely. That person could also crawl down the end of the bed if they had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. We took turns with the person in the middle.
We took turns with the person in the middle.

I'm betting Quath meant to say "We took turns being in the middle," but what he actually said is so much more fun!:p
I'm still searching for my third to have this issue come up!
I sleep in the middle of the two guys and swelter! Thanks for all the practical advice. What a good idea for a thread!

God, I wish. I can't tell you how often I've closed my eyes at night and done my damn best to imagine having one of them on each side of me (my men, not yours ;)). If I could fall asleep like that, I would deal with the sweltering, let me tell you!
I'm betting Quath meant to say "We took turns being in the middle," but what he actually said is so much more fun!

We always call that the 'center of attention,' and yeah, not a bad place to be and take turns at. :)

Interesting dynamic when the bed the three of you are sharing is a waterbed! Full motion, no less, like ours was for years. We kept Dramamine on the night table. :)
God, I wish. I can't tell you how often I've closed my eyes at night and done my damn best to imagine having one of them on each side of me (my men not yours ;)). If I could fall asleep like that, I would deal with the sweltering, let me tell you!

I hope you get to experience that some time, LR. There is nothing like being surrounded by those you love. We don't sleep together often enough, in my opinion. We only have a queen-size bed and duvet. Luckily we are all quite small. It's still tight, though.

When I get my own room one day I will have a large bed. It's good to know about being able to fill in the gap!
Personally, I couldn't be bothered to sleep with two other people. I prefer to be able to move around without waking my partner. My husband and I have discussed this situation. When we do have another partner or partners, we prefer to have two king-size beds, with a path in between, so everyone is comfortable and can sleep well. Two people in one bed, one or more in the other bed. We feel it's practical.
For me, it's a real treat, and luckily enough the guys are great about it. Home presents too small of a bed, so the futon is close by if someone gets pushed off the bed, or sweltering (not in a good way) starts happening.

However, whenever the opportunity presents itself for a hotel with a KING bed, we are so on it. Cuddling up with loves is such an amazing feeling. I highly recommend it, with or without sex.
I know everyone has diffferences. I often enjoy sleeping alone, but I hope I never do that because it's practical, only because I want to.
Protocol question - marriage bed

Pru (my primary) and I have a protocol question and are looking for best thoughts. If Pru is away, is it bad form for me to bring a girlfriend home and have her sleep in our wedding bed? Or do I get a hotel room for the GF, risking her being offended at not being "good enough" to stay at my home? This is all aboveboard, and Pru will know the GF, having met her before. What is the protocol? I don't wish to offend Pru and don't wish to offend GF. Your thoughts and comments are welcome.