Spam getting worse...


Staff member
Is anyone but me frustrated by the number of random porn links and others that seem to be slipping through whatever filters are in place? Haven’t seen @vinsanity0 on in ages either - I’d volunteer to be another spam deleter if no one else is actively doing it.
It's embarrassing to see porn spam filling the entire first page of new posts!!
I've honestly given up reporting. I wish I could delete it when I see it (especially given my time zone) and would also volunteer.
Admin, could we please have a small team of spaminators?
We've been abandoned. It took months for admin to change it after the new platform was adopted, so we could edit posts after more than 15 minutes had passed. Now this.
I would guess they need more admin volunteers? (I don't have the time/tech knowledge, but maybe others do?)

As for Vinsanity, I have been worried about him since he hasn't been here in so long, and he was having some health problems :(
The admin is some French guy who never comes here. I forget his name. Imaginary Illusion never posts either. I don't even know if anyone would see offers to help with spam removal!
I tried posting on the other "site updates" thread just in case it might make someone's notifications pop up. Can't really think of anything else to be done.
Is EMM ok? No activity this year that I could find. Deleting spam wasn’t technically difficult when I did it (under old system). It was tedious though.
The admin is some French guy who never comes here. I forget his name. Imaginary Illusion never posts either. I don't even know if anyone would see offers to help with spam removal!
The site owner's name is Olivier, and he is from Belgium. The Admin is Imaginary Illusion, he is Canadian.
I thought one of the goals of changing systems was to have more built in spam deterrents. @ImaginaryIllusion hasn't posted since 2019. Is he okay? I wonder about @vinsanity0 as well since he was having health issues. I don't recall ever actually seeing the owner active here. Does he just keep up the site as a favor to all of us that use it?

The @administrator account is the only one that seems active currently, from what I see. Hopefully they see these threads and sign up a few volunteers soon. Seems like there's enough willing to help. ☺️
It's all extremely weird. I want to apologize to all new members who come here and just see a dozen or two porn spams as their first impression of our lovely space!
Is EMM ok? No activity this year that I could find. Deleting spam wasn’t technically difficult when I did it (under old system). It was tedious though.
I think Emm is in the military, so maybe she got deployed or something.
Thank you.