The butterfly diaries

Threat or challenge?
Whatever works. I love playing tour guide around my city.
It's shaped like a fish.
The Māori name for the North Island is a much more meaningful Te Ika a Maui, or the fish of Maui. Technically a Skate I believe.

Our ski seasons have been suffering because of climate change. Not nearly what it used to be, apparently. I'm not a skier though, so can't speak from personal experience.
Hmmm Vancouver Island is huge.
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I see the "skate" shape of the north island! :)

Long Island is a long skinny fish with a split tail, of Montauk Point and Orient Point.
I'm sorry Nevyn and his wife are having some sketchy poly issues right now. It's hard dating poly newbies! Fingers crossed navigating all that.
It seems to be getting worse. There's some hypocritical behaviour happening that I'm not thrilled with and consequently, I'm feeling less secure with accommodation things as me being there once a week is causing issues. I have started looking for places to live where I can comfortably host Nevyn and anyone else I wish, but there's not a lot of options out there for what I can afford. It may honestly be cheaper to get a weekly booking at a hotel rather than take on a whole 1 bed flat 7 days a week. I don't like hotels as much as being in a personal space, but it could be the temporary fix required.
It seems to be getting worse. There's some hypocritical behaviour happening that I'm not thrilled with and consequently, I'm feeling less secure with accommodation things as me being there once a week is causing issues. I have started looking for places to live where I can comfortably host Nevyn and anyone else I wish, but there's not a lot of options out there for what I can afford. It may honestly be cheaper to get a weekly booking at a hotel rather than take on a whole 1 bed flat 7 days a week. I don't like hotels as much as being in a personal space, but it could be the temporary fix required.
Reach out to their sales and tell them you promise 52 nights per year what's their rate? .
I spoke with Puck for a while this morning. There's a sense of change about him that is more pronounced than ever. He's been talking with a new friend and perhaps their influence is what he needs right now. I have long been sensing that he has trepidations about visiting me, even for a couple of weeks. Like he's abandoning everything and everyone at home. The new friend seems to be encouraging him to stop feeling like that and just embrace the experience of a holiday. We'll see what happens. He's overdue booking tickets because of an endless list of things he feels he needs to do first. I'd say fuck it and go back there, but I have Nova's wedding to go to smack in the middle of what would be my travel window.

Nevyn also dropped over this morning, just after doing some groceries. He's due to come over for dinner anyway, but there's clearly something wrong because he was "fine" when every bit of body language and tone of voice was saying otherwise. I won't press him, I trust him to tell me in his own time.

I'm doing chores today. In between long bouts of lying down and still trying to recover from this really rough cold. Everyone is so worried about STIs in poly/open, but the colds/flus are the real issue around here. It's days off work, days of feeling like shit and having to wait it out rather than being solved with a course of antibiotics. Sure, noone wants something that requires lifetime antivirals, but honestly, gimme a choice between Chlamydia and a cold, and I'll take the one that won't make me take time off work and can be cured with antibiotics. I know there are higher infertility risks when younger, but at my age, a respiratory virus is more likely to do the dangerous and permanent damage.
Argh, screw this, I'm just not getting better. Today I feel worse. I've cancelled everything I was going to do, parents and poly munch. I can barely move around. I need to rest up so I can function at work tomorrow. I'm testing negative for COVID and it doesn't feel the same as when I had COVID earlier this year, so it's just some other respiratory virus. I wish we could test easily/at home for other things so we knew what the diagnosis was.

I do want to mask up and go get a couple of things from the shops. I should use this afternoon productively for work, too; make going to work tomorrow easier.
Well, I got better. And I spent last weekend with Nevyn on our first away trip, planned for weeks and two nights since I had Friday off. He still had some pushback from home about going away, but he stuck to our plans which is awesome.

Work is overwhelming this week but I have a deadline next Wednesday that I simply have to meet come hell or high water. I always do meet said deadlines I'll just be miserable trying to do it. Thank you executive dysfunction. Oh, and my ADHD assessment is tomorrow so, yeah, I want to run screaming from it because I'm already afraid of being told I'm not going to meet enough criteria. Sigh. Thanks RSD.

And so. I'm sat at my office desk staring at work I need to do, just trying to do one tiny little bit that will make tomorrow that much closer. Gahh.
The marriage and polyamory thread brought up a question that, to me, is far more interesting.

What committments have I made, exactly? Am I still happy with those commitments?

With Adam, we are indeed married and have a house and a pet together. But what are the actual commitments?
  • I have committed to growing old with him. I am looking forward to that because I'm really hoping for an easier life in retirement than my working one.
  • I have committed to our shared house even though I don't live in it these days. As I earn quite a lot more than him - and will for the foreseeable future - I've rather committed to keeping a roof over his (and the cat's) head now and when we do live together again. And of course all those other financial things to make the aforementioned retirement good.
  • I've committed to things that I've also withdrawn from, like being in certain organisations together but which I don't participate in anymore. This hasn't been a deal breaker for our relationship, but it does go to show that commitments can change over time.
  • I'm honestly not entirely sure if we have any other commitments, I'll bring it up with him. I don't remember our wedding vows but we selected ones that suited us at the time from the selection available from the service (church wedding).
With Puck, it is a long distance relationship.
  • I have committed to growing old together as much as the long distance allows, but I would be delighted if we're still face timing into our dotage.
  • At this stage of life I have committed to be continually saving towards visits (and doing them) while we are young enough to travel the long haul flights.
  • We used to have some D/s commitments suitable for long distance, but those have been set aside and will be renegotiated each time we are together. Again showing change in commitments over time.
Nevyn is a new relationship.
  • I have committed to very little because of the age of the relationship (about 4 months). We have no financial commitments (we respectfully share costs on our dates). We have no deeply established life plan commitments other than an intention to stay in each other's lives even when our relationship changes as we move through NRE to established-relationship-whatever we're calling it now. And if we eventually go platonic, we still want to remain close friends.
Siege is one of my oldest loving friends (very fuzzy space happy place relationship for me, we've never dated as his relationship with his wife isn't open, but her and I get along well enough.)
  • Recently we have committed to telling each other if we are hurriedly dying. We have both lost people to cancer and didn't know they were sick until the phone call to say they were dead. No goodbyes. (For me it was Tech a few years ago, for him it was someone just this past couple of months). We couldn't bear this between the two of us so we have committed to calling each other if we get the diagnosis.
I don't commit to loving people, that seems strange to me. I love them or I don't, and I don't need to not love someone anymore to leave an unhealthy relationship (a la a significant ex). I put effort into working on a not working relationship, but that doesn't mean I will indefinitely. My wellbeing comes first of all.
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I got told today that 1/25 people is the current statistic for ADHD. Of course, among my people it's more like 9/10, because that's why we're friends lol.

As of today, I'm officially in the 1/25. Validation is so cathartic.
This week has multiple deadlines and I'm burned out. I'm going to miss tomorrow's, and I don't even care. I just can't tonight.
Gabe has been in touch and we're going out tomorrow afternoon (Sunday).

I did end up meeting the deadline with the critical work so that's been a weight off my shoulders, which has made for a good weekend. I spent last night and a large chunk of today with Nevyn, but once I got home...well, I stopped. So, I haven't had dinner or even a drink or done laundry or anything at all because...I stopped. I'll need to start again tomorrow, big time.
I've spoken with Puck and we've chosen some dates for his visit. I've started booking accommodation. They are all cancelable right up until a few days before, so I'm good with booking now.

I really need to get today started properly now lol.

Funny how I think to myself, "I've done nothing today yet," when I've actually had that call, made the bookings, and even eaten something.
Thank you. I wish I was more confident that those plans would come to fruition since so much has always kept us apart (right back to the first COVID lockdown), but I still have hope. And a full refund option.

My immune system is doing its thing today. I have been a bit under the weather and came home early and rested. I need to be okay tomorrow, I'm supposed to be going to the Rocky Horror Picture Show at a cinema in the city. I also have accommodation booked for Nevyn and I (he paid half) because his wife's plans changed so we can't go to his place.

So, movie tickets and this accommodation are nonrefundable; I better be okay tomorrow! And then I seriously need to see about quitting spending.
I really hope this all gets easier for my main meta via Nevyn. I'm not enjoying a bunch of changing conditions.

Nevyn, The Nomad, another casual and cool meta via Nevyn, and a former bed buddy of mine (and cool meta) were at the poly munch this afternoon. I wasn't expecting The Nomad to be there and I was delighted to be able to introduce him and Nevyn. Both cool meta and I got some time sitting between them for conversations, as well as having conversations with others. Lots of joy. Lots of other people there, too, who I didn't even get time to chat with.

I wish Nevyn's wife was actually wanting to engage with the group, too. She could meet so many interesting people.

I need to find a nickname for cool meta.
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Well, I'm unexpectedly getting tonight to myself as Nevyn had to I'm taking myself into town for a bite to eat and something to wash it down with.

While I can't find company for a Friday night at the drop of a hat anymore, the cancellation did mean that I got to have a nice long chat with Puck when I finished work.

Two silver linings, what more could a girl want?