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  • Hi K, saw your gorgeous smile and we would love to make a connection with you so we thought we'd drop you a line. Im Charles(41) and my wife Brianna(34) and I are looking for a long term relationship with hopes of forming a closed triad. We're a laid back couple who love to have fun and laugh. If you're interested please respond and we can chat privately.
    Even though you must be sought after by all we had hoped perhaps we could at the very least strike up a friendship Oh and the town we are moving to is a college town so there is
    My wife loves doing all the girl stuff and longs for the days when she had a sister to love and just hang out with and I myself miss having someone to be there for me as a loving caring secondary wife. Yes this is alot but we thought no risk no gain.
    if you have never been it's absolutely gorgeous we are tired of the rat race and want to get back to nature somewhere you can take nice long walks fish in your own pond have huge BBQs have a bit too much to drink at times and just enjoy it but we lack one main part to this whole equation.
    Hello we just wanted to meet. The wife and I are older yes but our main goal is to enjoy life . We are currently searching for someone like you actually. We are in california now but will be moving in a few months to Arkansas,
    Hello, can I participate in the conversation on Skype? I live in Korea But I can't speak English at all, so is it okay to just chat?
    Can i join too??? 😊
    Please participate, but I can't speak English at all, is it okay?
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