1 Cor. 7:2 "But because of sexual immoralities, each man is to have his own (heautou) wife, and each woman is to have her own (Idion) husband."
Modern Christians use this verse to condemn non monogamy but when you look at the original Greek, it supports non monogamy. The word for "own" or heautou describes exclusive ownership, but the word "Idion" describes non exclusive ownership. There's no difference in the singular or plural form for wife in Greek so it could mean "wife" or "wives."
Modern Christians use this verse to condemn non monogamy but when you look at the original Greek, it supports non monogamy. The word for "own" or heautou describes exclusive ownership, but the word "Idion" describes non exclusive ownership. There's no difference in the singular or plural form for wife in Greek so it could mean "wife" or "wives."