Yesterday was definitely a down sort of day. I had therapy and that went okay. She’s out of office all next week so I made an appointment for the following week. The year is just going so fast! She had positive things to say to me and had me talking about and exploring my relationship with MisterMoonbeam.
I ended up taking the car for an oil change, and they wanted me to get a transmission flush. Apparently it needed done at 90,000 miles and we were at 94,000. So I did. That’s crazy though - the mileage. I bought this car with less than 50 miles on it in 2019! There was a cranky old lady waiting for her vehicle and she talked to me the whole time. She made me be positive because she was just being persnickety and complaining about things that weren’t an issue - she saw a clerk leaning against a wall, her paperwork was taking too long, etc. Her entire wait for her oil change was less than 30 minutes at a dealership. What the heck? Lol
Afterward I finally made it over to pick up the medicine for Albus. It needed up being free since I had a credit on the account. So that was nice! Then I finally picked up lunch for myself and MisterMoonbeam. He was in a funk and was very out of sorts as well.
Both the guys had plans for the evening - MisterMoonbeam had photography class and DarkKnight had rehearsal - so I went to bed and watched a movie called Meet Cute. It ended up being a time travel movie, which was very unexpected. Once I finished that and spent some time on the internet, MisterMoonbeam was home and his mood was much improved - I asked him if he had become an extrovert, as going out and being with other people had seemed to energize him!
He assured me this was not the case. Lol
I really did have a down day, personally. I thought about death a lot and being afraid of surgery.
Today I woke up to a ton of snow. MisterMoonbeam messaged me from Boonsboro - he was supposed to be driving into Dulles today but nothing was plowed and he was going to turn around and come back home. At the same time, DarkKnight came into my room to tell me he was working from home today. I immediately messaged TheEngineer, as today was supposed to be for us to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and now instead his 4 kids were all home from school. Gah!
I cleared off the feeders and put out some more bird seed - we were soon full up with birds and squirrels wanting breakfast! Then the power went out and it still isn’t on right now!
I then went back to bed after eating some yogurt & fruit. When I woke up I asked DarkKnight to bring me the safe, and I checked to make sure I had all of the paperwork needed to get married. I messaged MisterMoonbeam and he said he would look for his birth certificate in a bit.
He hasn’t found out yet about the dates he will be in Arizona, but we are both a little nervous about it getting shifted to April. If that happens we will need to get a marriage license there - we are both okay with doing that if we have to! So I read some stuff online about that.