3:05 p.m., Wednesday the 4th
Over the last 24 hours, we have had a real scare regarding the new house. The owners, and especially their realtor, were really being shits about negotiating the costs and price. They wanted to lower the overall price, whereas we needed them to give us a credit on the closing costs, so that we would have the money we needed right away to do the maintenance/repairs that the house most urgently needed. It felt like they were digging in their heels on that point, and SB actually started looking at other houses. The deal for this house looked like it was going to fall through, like we were not going to get the house, and we had already accepted an offer on our condo, so who knows if we would have even been stuck with no place to live. Thank gods, they finally relented a few hours ago, and accepted our final offer. Legally, it had to be our final offer.
So we'll still get the house, and they'll give us a $15,000.00 credit on our closing costs, which will give us the money right away that we need to fix/maintain various things that urgently need tending to. It's an old house, so there's a lot of little things that need to be done, but there's also some big things, like replacing the oven/stove, and like possibly replacing the swamp cooler with an air conditioner. Whew ... that was seriously nerve-racking ...
Later today, Eddie will go on his weekly mall walk with the various other dogs. I'll be going with, and I guess the event organizer said it's not a problem for me to walk with (SB and) the dogs. I think we'll leave to do that at 5:00 p.m., or a little after that.
Yesterday I finally got caught up on Facebook, FetLife, and this forum. It's been a while since I've done any reading or Chess stuff, but those things lend themselves more to waiting. Maybe tomorrow I'll get to them. Who knows?