Kevin's Hetero MFM Poly-Fi V

5:00 p.m., Monday the 20th

In fact we watched two episodes, after dinner. Dinner itself was this thing with shredded cabbage, ground beef, noodles, and maybe onions. I've heard that tonight we'll have corn dogs and salad. Not my favorite, but I'll live. Today, Snowbunny was off for MLK day (she works for a credit union), so she and I went out to run a few errands, including at a barber's so I could get a haircut. Right now Snowbunny is away for a massage appointment. I expect Brother-Husband to get home from work at anytime.
3:33 p.m., Tuesday the 21st

I believe SB is planning to make a curry chicken dish for tonight, with veggies. Tomorrow we're having some kind of lentil stew, that's what it says on our calendar. Then starting Thursday, SB and the dogs will go on a three-day trip for a Barn Hunt in Las Cruces. BH and I will no doubt have some takeout while SB is away.
2:21 p.m., Wednesday the 22nd

Change of plans, we are actually having leftovers tonight. Tomorrow SB and the dogs leave for Las Cruces. BH seems excited, he might invite Sam over while SB is away.
12:53 p.m., Thursday the 23rd

So SB and the dogs are on their way. BH is in charge of dinner, and he'll probably bring us stuffed-crust Little Caesars tonight.
5:24 p.m., Friday the 24th

Sam joined us for dinner, we had a good time. Tomorrow, Sam and BH are going on a road trip, and if I can get up early enough, I can go with. They're thinking of leaving at 8:00 or 8:30 a.m., so I need to be up by 7:00. BH got home at about 5:00 p.m. today, he might put pasties in the oven for us for dinner. Yesterday after Sam went home, BH and I watched the first episode of Six Feet Under Season Three. SB called BH, she made it to Las Cruces safe and sound.
5:04 p.m., Sunday the 26th

We had a fun road trip yesterday, we went to Santa Fe and a place or two along the way. Sam joined us for dinner and a movie (TimeRider) before dinner. We had pasties. On Friday BH and I had TV dinners.

In the meantime, SB and the dogs returned home yesterday, they got home safe and sound. The dogs had fun at Barn Hunt. Ginger got her Open title, and is now in the Senior division. Eddie did well on one run, and almost good enough on a few other runs.
3:11 p.m., Monday the 27th

For dinner last night, SB made us curry chicken plus veggies and a chickpeas dish, on a bed of our choice of rice or potatoes. I chose the potatoes. After dinner, the three of us watched an episode of Breaking Bad.
3:03 p.m., Wednesday the 29th

Dinner has been relatively meh this week. On Monday we had pasta with meatless meatballs, I didn't care for the consistency but the meatballs were good. Yesterday I had leftover curry, in preference to the pasties that BH and SB had. After dinner SB and I went shopping, and that was enjoyable. Meanwhile the weather is cold and we are getting snow. But in about a week, they say the temperatures will climb into the mid-sixties (Fahrenheit).
4:11 p.m., Thursday the 30th

Continuing with our meh dinners, last night we had some kind of lentil (vegetarian I think -- which is good) stew. It wasn't awful, I added saltine crackers to mine which was a big help. I don't know what we'll have tonight.
2:13 p.m., Friday the 31st

We had meatless chicken nuggets, plus some veggies, green beans and blue potatoes. I don't know what we'll have tonight. Tomorrow, we'll go on a road trip with Sam. I'll have to get up early, but I won't know how early until we all know how far we'll be traveling.
5:09 p.m., Monday the 3rd

As it turns out, we traveled about as far as any of us would want to travel, about three hours each way. Our destination was Fort Sumner, we went to a cool museum there, visited Billy the Kid's grave, and made a few stops along the way including getting a bite to eat at a local restaurant. It was a little late for having a fancy dinner after we got back, so we just had odds and ends. We watched a Breaking Bad episode after dinner. Then yesterday, BH and SB went to help clean rat cages and rebuild (the) hay bale course/s for Barn Hunt. After they got back we had an early dinner, namely pizza from Papa John's. After dinner we watched a couple of Breaking Bad episodes. Tonight SB is making some kind of a chicken dish.
5:39 p.m., Tuesday the 4th

It was chicken alfredo, with pasta and cauliflower, it was good. After dinner, SB and I went grocery shopping. It was a big shopping trip, due to concerns about what's going to happen to grocery prices thanks to Trump and his master plans. Tonight I think we're going to have something with pulled pork.
6:02 p.m., Wednesday the 5th

We had the pulled pork with tortillas and a few other ingredients, fajita style. It was pretty good. Not sure what we'll have tonight. Not much else to tell you today, though I will say the forum has been very busy.
3:46 p.m., Thursday the 6th

We had hot dogs, and while I'm not normally a hot dog type of a guy, these were the extra good Kowalski franks, so I am not complaining. Tonight SB is making us chili, with three cans of beans so the beans thankfully won't be crunchy. Not much else to tell you at this time.
2:15 p.m., Friday the 7th

Dinner yesterday was good, I don't know what we'll have today. Tomorrow we are getting together with Eponine and John, we will all eat at a Japanese restaurant, I can't remember the name of the place, but it will be good, I am looking forward to it.