New to poly, Oregon


New member
I‘m 62 yo, living in the Yamhill Valley. According to some, I have been poly all my adult life, just in a platonic way. I have a wife and 4 girlfriends, no intimacy.

About a month ago, my wife told me to explore for relationships with intimacy outside our marriage. So now I find myself dating again.
Greetings Tgger61,
Welcome to our forum. Please feel free to lurk, browse, etc.

I'm 58 years old. I am in an MFM V, plus I have a long-distance girlfriend (in England). It sounds like you have always been poly at heart, and are just now getting to explore it. I'm happy for you, and I hope can answer any questions you may have.

Kevin T., "official greeter" :)


There's a *lot* of good info in Golden Nuggets. Have a look!

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If you have any questions about the board itself, please private-message a mod and they'll do their best to help.

Welcome aboard!