What are you listening to now?

I Drive Myself Crazy by *NSYNC

I'm lip-syncing to it as we speak!~ ^_^
Augury - Fragmentary Evidence
Portal - Vexovoid
Constant wall of noise, and I love it. :D:p
Lately I'm ennamored with Amethystium, a group from Norway.
Love Amethystium. That's not a group though. It's one guy.
Makes it seem even more fantastic?

I've had some Cult Of Luna, Lamb, Portishead, Ulcerate, and Negura Bunget lately.
The little yappers in my neighbors yard barking like mad.

And My Girl by Otis Redding. :)
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Oh that's right, it is only one guy. Well i like Era, Lesiem, Magna Canta, and Greg Brown too.:)
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Sam Smith - Nirvana. It is such a mellow and beautiful song. I love his voice and style.
Linkin Park

pregame ritual