A realistic expectation of a hinge? No, probably not. I'm having a little implosion now. Wanting to do right by primary, wanting to do right for myself and sharing myself with open trust with my other partner and just let that develop
I'm sorry you are having an implosion. Maybe schedule rest in between activities so you get regular down time? You sound like you are doing your best.
Our relationship is growing closer so....I'm hoping time and talking to other will help.
There you go.
Faith is having the confidence that actions rooted in good character will yield the best outcome even when you cannot see how. Now that you quit bottling yourself up, and are being more up front, honest, and authentic with with him? Yah, some turbulence. And prob more to come because this is a transition time full of adjustments. One doesn't insta-arrive.
But over all? Doing well for where you are at with it.
Primary tells me he wants this and that his logical brain understands. It's that mental monster that likes to replay hell that is giving him issue. He is seeing a counselor but may need to increase the times. It's hard to find a Poly counselor that takes our insurance....I think.
Sounds like he's willing to try and he's willing do his share of the prep work.
I do feel evil. Like the evil one, he told me that I continue to do things wrong. Yes he apologized for it, but when you say that, is it truly meant? Probably at the time.
This is a major shift. He can have a day of his brain going haywire under duress. If he said things while addled? Then later cooled off and realized he was all bonkers? Then apologized for that acting out behavior? You could forgive and let go.
I feel like I'm doing the hurting, but still working towards being my inner badass beeotch! I'm sorry, but that's going to have to come first this time. I suppose that means that I'm really not sorry.
The situation is hard on both of you. Don't have to be taking it personally or acting out at each other personally.
I could be wrong but you sound like your internal volume knob is wonky. Everything is set to MAX volume.
- It has to be that you are evil? It can't be that people make mistakes sometimes?
- It has to be you doing all the hurting? It can't be this situation means lots of changes and processing so people might hurt for different reasons at different times even though everyone is here of their own volition and determined this was acceptable risk?
Doesn't that get exhausting? The WHOLE WORLD on your shoulders being all
your fault?
Try to be kinder on you and your partners.
He will be attending the mixer as well. Gala, that is why they are meeting by the way, because they are going to be sharinup and space. Nothing forced.
Well, if they want to attend poly mixers at this stage, that's up to them. And fine to negotiate how to share the same group/space. On the flip side, it's also ok to change one's mind and postpone this activity if there's just too many changes going on at the same time. Or show up, but bow out early if one gets overwhelmed.
If spouse is the one asking to slow down, why's he going to mixers? Where's the rush? There's mixers all the time. But that's not your thing to deal with. It's his job to figure out how to pace himself with activities. You have to figure out how to pace you.
Primary tells me I'm going too fast. (Blame it on my Wild Heart Stevie Nicks.) That he needs a breath to catch up with me. Implication that I'm oblivious to his predicament. I. Am. Not.
Did you ask him what he meant? If he was implying that you are unaware of his predicament? And asked him to explain catch up to WHAT? IF you didn't could ask clarifying questions before you react or respond.
But I will no longer neglect myself and that fricking siren calling off inside my chest.
Good. You could take care of you rather than self neglecting.
What is slowing down and giving a breath? Just following where it leads now? How slow is slow? I've seen others talk to their partners asking them to limit the number. I can do that. To limit get-togethers to once a week for a few hours? I don't think that is unreasonable. I don't see this is fast? I see this as slowing down until his comfort level rises. Every two weeks? I'm not cool with that.
I don't understand this paragraph. Is this rhetorical or actual?
Did your partner actually ask you to limit you dates to every 2 weeks for the first X months? But you don't want to? Why not split the diff and do 1.5 weeks? Or renegotiate something else? Maybe 2 weeks for the first 2 months, then 1.5 weeks for the next 2 mos, then 1 week how you want. Cuz in the big picture what is that? 4 months of transition time? That's not a horrible price of admission. He's not asking for 40 years.
I find myself coming out of the monogamy ring swinging, so yeah, that didn't help. I was just trying to make a stand for myself; something that took a long time to do. My ex of 17 years was an older gent and very controlling, manipulative. I also know that I made a choice to be there, so I'm not going to blame it all on him, but I found I was still putting his behavior in other partners, which is totally unfair of me.
You seem to recognize it above. But I wonder if you are still letting your hackles go up with defensiveness all prickly porcupine?
Do you realize you are actually you are are one of the luckier ones? Your spouse is willing to try. Some people come here all depressed because their spouse didn't react badly, but doesn't want any poly. Or worse.... reacted really bad, wants none of it, and is raining hell on them.
I'm feeling guilty about the poly bomb.
Why? It's just being honest about where you are at.
Yeah, it changes some things, and leads to big discussion.
But what's the alternative? Not being honest with spouse about what's going on with you on the inside? How would that really help a marriage any? One thinking all is hunky dory and the other one dying on the inside?
I'm feeling guilty about the trigger leading me to all this where I connected with a co-worker in another state and was distance-intimate. (Now done because it's not ethical since they are married and...just not ethical."
The part about slipping into something unethical with a coworker isn't great. You did have the sense to end it. So that's good. Could call it done and resolve not to do anything like that any more. Forgive yourself and move on. You don't have to dwell on mistakes and save them up in a bag like sticks to beat yourself up with later.
Its happened before where we actually broke up because I thought I had to choose one for the other. In fact, that's when I realized I had a poly pattern through all my relationships and just didn't listen. So he lost trust there.
Well, hopefully trust was repaired when you got back together.
God, am I convincing you I'm evil like Magdyln said? "Like no wait, you have to have the full story of how much I sucked!"
Don't need the story. And I don't think you are evil.
I think you spend a lot of time talking mean to yourself or beating up on yourself in other ways. This self bullying behavior doesn't seem to help you become this "new person" you want to be. It seems to hold you back.
So I wonder why you keep doing that behavior? What do you need to change it or let it go?
I made mistakes. I have no excuses or justifications; I own it. I just haven't been true to myself and although I am bitter for hurting anyone, what I've done to myself has been much worse and I say enough. I can't pay for the past anymore. You're not one of those evil sneaky counselors, are you? Talk about holding up a mirror. I knew I had to answer you, and in turn, answer to me. Holy shit.
Nope. Not a counselor. Just some internet stranger. Just kinda "wow" reading your posts because you sound wound up tighter than a tick over WHAT?
- Being human?
- Finally deciding to live your life authentically?
- Getting around to forgiving yourself and moving forward in your life?
- Being more up front and honest with your spouse?
I think you could cut yourself a break and make peace with yourself. You don't have to justify, argue, defend, explain to anyone here.
I suppose if you need to process or air out your could journal or talk to someone like a counselor. But dang! However you do it?
Throw away the stick collection. Stop beating yourself with those old sticks.
Be ok taking up the space you do in the world. Your own fair share.
I feel like I'm on the edge of the old person moving to the new person
If you want to be this new person? Let that old person go. Let the old sticks go.
Breathe. Be.
And go easier on yourself and your people in this transition time.
It's ok not to come at it so INTENSE.
Wanting to do right by primary, wanting to do right for myself and sharing myself with open trust with my other partner and just let that develop
If this is what you want? Let this new polyship thing develop. Trust yourself more. Hold your own bag. And trust each partner to hold their own bag.