I'll check out the twitter feed. I get you, but you shouldn't feel guilty. It's unfair to yourself for comparing your situation with others. Just be happy that you have what you have! I am happy for you!@Ostrich that was mostly tongue in cheek - guilt about the fact that I have two really _great_ guys, and there are people out there having to put up with bullshit (did you go look at the twitter thread?) seems sort of karmically unfair.
I never feel guilty that I have 2 great partners now. I feel somewhat miffed at myself for wasting so many years with one mono partner who really didn't deserve my wonderfulness!@Ostrich that was mostly tongue in cheek - guilt about the fact that I have two really _great_ guys, and there are people out there having to put up with bullshit (did you go look at the twitter thread?) seems sort of karmically unfair.
In that case...! I see you're wondering what living alone would be like. You're upset by living with Joan. I feel that you think living with Knight means living with Joan. But that doesn't have to be the case. If you can afford it, you could rent an apartment for a trial period. Knight could come visit you. He could be the nomad. You'd have swathes of me-time, you could decorate your apartment in your own taste, do whatever chores in your own way, Mini Me could spend part time with you. Artist could also visit you. You set the schedule. Some days with these people, some days by yourself, and no days with Joan!I’ve always been pretty open to comments on here.![]()
I really resonate with this statement. My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 years and when we first got together everything was great. Sex was good. Now it seems that we can't find our groove together but when I'm with other people it seems effortless to get to that point. We have tried kinks and still have trouble. I think he gets jealous because my time with others lasts so much longer and is so simple. I dont have to struggle to get there. I am beginning to think the frustration of not currently being compatible sexually is part of the issue with the happy ending. I am still not sure how to fix this so if you ever find a solution please let me know. FYI, he doesn't have issues with his other partners either. Just me.Things are looking up...
Last week - Wednesday - HipsterBoy and I finally talked about "the state of things", and it was the conversation that needed to happen. Not a long one, really, but at least not text. I still feel like I may have been pushing a bit harder than I should have been, and told him so, but while he didn't know what he DID want from the two of us it wasn't the platonic thing we've been trying to do for the past two weeks.
So we're in a state of... comfortable ambiguity, at the moment. Love is there, attraction is there, we can talk and touch and it's not-weird now. Which is really important for me - I was discussing a friend's relationship and in the course of the conversation ended up taking that "5 love languages" test, and I maxed out on touch and words of affirmation. So deliberately not touching someone I still loved was the hardest thing about the "platonic experiment".
I'm not sure when we'll go out again, nor when we'll be intimate. I don't find myself to be impatient about that though - while I look forward to it happening, it doesn't have the urgency it once would have, nor even the urgency that getting things resolved between us did.
Elsewise... went on an interesting first date last night with, hmm, guess I'll call him MartialArtist. He's an OKC high match who turned out to be the sibling of an acquaintance and friend of some of my other friends. That coincidence had the potential for awkwardness but turned out to just be amusing. Good conversation, and some fairly delicious chemistry - the date ended up with a fair amount of making out in a secluded corner of the bar.
I see this turning into quite a fun-but-casual sort of thing - very lighthearted and giggly - no real potential, I think, for the sort of connection I had/have with HipsterBoy but I don't want that right now anyway. I'm still very much looking forward to seeing him again, and he knows I'm in a slightly re-boundy headspace and just looking for fun, and is apparently ok with that. So yay.
I've been having a lot of conversations with TheKnight about the nature of sexual attraction/compatibility/chemistry. One of the most wonderful things, and yet the biggest challenges, about our relationship is that we were each other's first sexual experiences. And as you can imagine NRE + 16/17/18 yr old hormones were an insane mix. Like any relationship, though, that NRE has waned, and we've had our ups and downs as far as sex is concerned.
A lot of those issues are my fault - I have both self-esteem issues as far as attractiveness is concerned, and a somewhat submissive / passive approach to sex. I suspect most people get off on being wanted, but I think I'm probably worse than most on that front - my level of desire tends to be directly proportionate to how much I feel my partner is attracted to me. This can be awesome, especially at the beginning of a relationship, but in a long term relationship does tend to me being a bit of an emotional vampire on the sex side of things. If I don't feel wanted, I don't put energy into seduction, which is a bit of a death spiral for a sexual relationship.
It's not a pattern I've figured out how to break, though, as "going outside my comfort zone" on that one is an active turn off. So that's a problem.
The other problem with TheKnight and I is that we've slightly grown in different directions, sexually - I crave intensity, he tends towards a somewhat more playful/fun style in bed. Not that playful isn't fun, part of the time... but it's still not my number one choice. Even trying to use kink to hit that "intensity" button doesn't seem to work, and while I can find others to hit that "intensity" button, I hate that I can't seem to have it with my husband, especially when we once did have it.
TheKnight, on the other hand, is frustrated that I am still stuck on something from 15 years ago, a bit jealous that I keep looking for that and/or finding it with others (it was the one real point of conflict over my relationship with HipsterBoy), and really *wants* to be able to hit that button on me and can't figure out how to. And he becomes more and more frustrated that he sees me as not putting energy into our sexual relationship that I did/do put into other relationships, not understanding that my actions were direct reflections of the energy I was getting first. (A concrete example of this is that I took more pains with my appearance when going out with HipsterBoy than I have in the past while for dates with TheKnight. True, unfair of me, and yet it's hard to bother going all out on hair/makeup/lingerie etc when the reaction is the same if I do or if I don't.)
I'm not sure this is a problem that's ever going to resolve well - it's something that's been an issue our entire relationship and poly does tend to ... expose that flaw. Still trying to figure out solutions...
I mean I don’t even mind _some_ time with Joan, it’s just the living with that is a bit much. And yeah, we’ve discussed me doing exactly that especially after Mini-Me is older; right now I feel like I couldn’t be the parent I want to be in that situation.If you can afford it, you could rent an apartment for a trial period. Knight could come visit you. He could be the nomad. You'd have swathes of me-time, you could decorate your apartment in your own taste, do whatever chores in your own way, Mini Me could spend part time with you. Artist could also visit you. You set the schedule. Some days with these people, some days by yourself, and no days with Joan!
Well sure. There are lots of people who can be great friends but you don't wanna be with them all the damn time.I mean I don’t even mind _some_ time with Joan, it’s just the living with that is a bit much.
Finances are one part of the puzzle, but that doesn't mean it's unsolvable.And yeah, we’ve discussed me doing exactly that especially after Mini-Me is older; right now I feel like I couldn’t be the parent I want to be in that situation.
The deeper issue is still one of … figuring out exactly what commitment means in our current life. Like, on a purely practical level, the financial calculations for *everything* change when they’re around 3 adults and a kid vs 2 adults and a kid, whether it’s in one home or two, and sometimes that bothers me more than the intellectual part of me thinks it should.
It’s funny - after all this time, I’ve lost _most_ of my poly guilt… except for the part where I read things like this thread and feel like I may possibly have more than my share of good men. Seriously - dudes out there wanting their wives to make sandwiches after radical surgery and meanwhile I’m here replacing flowers from one partner with flowers from another and getting drinks and Theragun because I had a stressful day.
Part of my absence is that the contract job I mentioned in previous months went legit full-time salaried, which is... fascinating. First of I love it in a lot of ways - I work with people who are ALL blisteringly intelligent and want to change the world, even if it's in a field that until I worked in it I never thought of it as something that COULD change the world (architecture - obviously I'm not an architect but working to get the architects the opportunity to Do Things). The pay is good, the coworker appreciation / respect is better than I've ever had... even working 3 or 4 days a week in our office is actually REALLY pleasant…
(And Artist remains the cheerleader that understands my insecurities in a way that Knight just doesn't, and is so willing to be there for the really hard shit like my MiniMe's mental health issues (and how they interact with my past traumas) in ways I never dreamed of. I swear I am the luckiest woman alive in so many ways.)
The answer was, eventually (I wrote the entry you replied to almost 10 years ago!), accepting that we weren’t each others’ _best_ sexual partners even if we were at one point more compatible. I had to learn to be _truly_ ok with that though. Even now I’m probably only ok with it like 90% of the time, and that’s with having a partner (Artist) who makes the partner I was writing about in that first blog post here look like he never knew how to touch me at all.I really resonate with this statement. My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 years and when we first got together everything was great. Sex was good. Now it seems that we can't find our groove together but when I'm with other people it seems effortless to get to that point. We have tried kinks and still have trouble. I think he gets jealous because my time with others lasts so much longer and is so simple. I dont have to struggle to get there. I am beginning to think the frustration of not currently being compatible sexually is part of the issue with the happy ending. I am still not sure how to fix this so if you ever find a solution please let me know. FYI, he doesn't have issues with his other partners either. Just me.
Oops I realized I totally missed your question! There’s a lot of things, really… the biggest one is that I am just so very tired of taking other people into account every time I do anything. I want to be able to go get water out of the fridge without having to wear clothes, y’know? (Shallow example, but I literally forget to grab water on the way to bed every night and realize it as soon as I’m naked.) That one would be solved by only living with partners, but I’d also really like to be able to have a bit more mystery/distance from my partners than living with them.What appeals to you about living alone? You said you were curious. I know cooking for one isn't a lot of fun lol, when I'm alone I often end up with a frozen dinner or takeout.
And today is factually different but still emotionally hurts out of all proportion to the actuality.But at the same time... he keeps saying over and over that "I'm sorry _this_ is hurting you", which is not exactly the same thing as saying "I'm sorry _I_ am hurting you." And honestly I'm not even sure which would be accurate - certainly this is in many ways externally imposed, but the lack of risk taking also feels like a choice? And how do you handle feeling like someone is choosing a path that hurts you, knowing that's what's going to happen?
So here I am - realizing that OMG I didn't really update on *my* life since June! (I've been around, occasionally, obviously, but that's not quite the same. Not that anyone's waiting with bated breath.)That said… I think you and Johannes need to have some frank conversations about what you and he actually want in this. I had some similar ones, as far as the living arrangement and who it was really good for, back in August and I think it helped. Although I don’t think the actual situation is changing, I mostly don’t feel the need to shrink anymore and have gotten a lot more peace because of it.
Now that I look at it, I never came back and wrote about those conversations. I should do that…