I’m a little calmer now. Let me write about the good parts! The morning of my birthday, I decided to give away gift cards through the Blessing Box. I started a post and asked people to say Happy Birthday, and as people’s comments popped up, I assigned them all numbers. Then I pulled winners through a random number generator. I gave away 3 $15 Subway cards, 3 $15 Starbucks cards, 3 $15 Burger King cards, and a $45 Target card. If you couldn’t guess, I turned 45. Lol I guess I should update my signature here.
This kept me busy most of the day. In the evening my kids all came over, as did my bestie, and SirGawain. I ordered us all dinner through Pizza Hut, and we had DarkKnight’s homemade carrot cake. I got amazing gifts, and my kids went home. I hung out with my bestie the rest of the evening. It was a good time!
BeanBoy, BugGirl, me and LittleMichigan
I got some amazing gifts too - My youngest got me a gift card to Stitch Fix, BeanBoy hooked me up with a gigantic leaf-shaped throw blanket, and BugGirl gave me new brown booties!
SirGawain bought me a Kindle PaperWhite, and surprised me with a case covered in constellations! I really felt SEEN by him. He told me he had wanted to buy me a polka-dot case, but they were all arriving late, so when he started scrolling and saw the star-filled sky, he knew it was meant to be mine! And he was right.
DarkKnight - I don’t even know what to say. He saw the ugly side of me and my issues with my birthday this month. I have written before about how my ex-husband gave me 12 years of never having a birthday or anniversary gift. Every milestone, he would talk about what he was getting for me, how amazing it was going to be THIS time, and then he wouldn’t follow through. It was absolute hell, and it has affected me profoundly. I try desperately to control everything surrounding my birthday, as a means of protecting myself emotionally, and for over a decade, DarkKnight would make me a carrot cake from scratch, and he wouldn’t do a thing more than that, to keep my soul calm.
Well, a few years ago, DarkKnight and two of my ex-partners met with my therapist and all of them spoke about wanting to be able to do more for me on special occasions - so that actually became a priority of mine there. I learned how to accept gifts and let go of some of my fear. I don’t know why, but this year though, my emotions have been ramped up, and I have been anxious and depressed about the upcoming event. Mostly because my polycule really didn’t make any plans - it’s hard to be calm about stuff that isn’t happening!
Anyway, their silence on the subject had me vomiting on 3 different occasions. I cried. I needed petting and snuggles. I decided that if they didn’t want to put anything on the calendar, that I would take a trip to NYC by myself and have some fun on my own. I figured I’d take some control back as not having any information was way too much for me to deal with. I wouldn’t let anyone hurt me!
Scheduling got squirrelly, and I ended up staying home. DarkKnight arranged for a little family party. He made his amazingly delicious homemade carrot cake and put pink frosting and pecans on it. (We pick random candles for everyone’s birthday. This year I was pretty old!)
Not only did he make and decorate my cake, he brought me home flowers and a rainbow balloon! On top of that, he bought me a purse shaped like a stegosaurus! Oh, and he also made a beautiful Facebook post, saying that everyone needed to recognize how much joy I share with the world, and how his life would be sad without me in it. It was seriously over the top, and a LOT for me to handle.
Now for the bad part. MisterMoonbeam did nothing. Zero. Zilch. Even though he had listened to me struggle and cry and vomit. He is well aware of my issues, and has helped me navigate them in the past - this is my third birthday we’ve spent together! I tried to be okay with this. I waited for him to say, “hey, we are going out to dinner on Sunday” or “I’m going to give you a kickass massage later!” but there was nothing. At the party he said one stumbling sentence about how he ordered me something and it would be here soon, but he couldn’t meet my eyes and I didn’t say anything then.
Later last night, he didn’t really have anything to add. He said he just didn’t plan and time got away from him. He had no real excuses. This morning I woke up and I was just an absolute wreck. It was my ex-husband, all over again. 12 years of bullshitting and gas lighting and making myself small over a date that is supposed to be about celebration.
This sucked.
My therapist was pretty clear about a couple of things. When someone tells you one thing and then does another - you follow what they did, not what they talked about doing. And MisterMoonbeam held me while I cried earlier this month, telling me that I could trust him and count on him, and then he did nothing.
Honestly, it had me remembering how in the beginning he was telling me he was solo poly and didn't want a hierarchy and would never marry me and he did not want to ever be responsible for another person's feelings. Those are all things he said and he meant and he was adamant about. Like "this is who I am and this is what dating me will be like."
And then in every single way he acted the opposite. I told him several times he was confusing me because his actions were not matching up with his words.
And now he's doing the same thing - telling me that he loves me and wants to 100% be my rock and he's there for me. Just recently he has said multiple times that I am to consider him my forever. And I had the epiphany that I had been stopping any of that from happening because I was afraid, and I decided to consciously open up to that future.
Which is great but then he goes and does this - the one thing that would absolutely fuck me up. I was literally sick all month over stress about my birthday, so he makes the choice to do absolutely nothing? He held me while I cried about it! He told me that my ex was vile and terrible for not doing anything, and he validated and acknowledged that pain.
Actions - or in this case, inaction - speak volumes. He did the exact same thing as my ex! Which is arguably worse, because he knew it was an issue, he knew I had done therapy, he knew that I was struggling terribly with it. And he did nothing, anyway.
I was looking at this as either black or white. So either I have a boyfriend who deliberately and methodically set out to damage my already fragile sense of self surrounding this issue, or I have a boyfriend who is stupid. Well, MisterMoonbeam is not stupid.
I really saw no direction forward together. Thinking about breaking up with him had me shaking. The fear and pain was super intense. I tried to write this post this morning, but I couldn’t form sentences.
Ugh. It was absolutely horrible.
We talked a lot. He was terrified about splitting up. It was devastating to be even discussing it. I hadn’t felt a hole in my soul like this since the time I made PunkRock leave one day when I found him hiding the vodka he was drinking in a water bottle by the bed. I really had a difficult time talking myself into staying together. Like, I desperately wanted to be with MisterMoonbeam, but the thought of accepting this lack of care and concern seemed like the absolute worst thing I could do for my mental health.
This is too long. Anyway, we are still together. I feel like a part of my trust in him is gone forever. Trusting anyone at all is difficult for me, as I’ve had attachment issues since I was little. I just recently made growing our relationship a priority - we are finally combining finances and our futures. I was in. Now I am pulling back.
This has destroyed me. This has destroyed us. I hope the trust can be rebuilt. I am going to try and work it out but I am a mess.